In the ever-changing world of technology, people are constantly offered new products and updated devices to improve their living conditions and help save money in the process. The same is true when it comes to energy. It's important…

In the ever-changing world of technology, people are constantly offered new products and updated devices to improve their living conditions and help save money in the process. The same is true when it comes to energy. It's important…
With gas prices rising steadily and everyone looking for ways to cut costs, New Jersey's utilities are doing what they can to help people invest in money-saving, energy-saving technologies and resources. From boilers to solar power to wi…
Ask anyone to draw a picture of a light bulb, and odds are the sketches are all going to look quite similar—a circular incandescent bulb with the threaded end and tungsten filament that most lamps have always used. You know the ones: whe…
In our highly disposable society, how people and communities deal with their trash is of vital importance to both individuals and their communities as a whole. The tri-state area produces a staggering amount of garbage every day, and rec…
Jena Ball couldn't sleep—the noise was deafening and keeping her awake night after night. The racket wasn't coming from the next door neighbors, but instead was emanating from inside her condo wall. "It was bizarre," says Ball. But …
Winterizing a condo or co-op is important every year, but with energy prices soaring, it's going to be especially important to keep your buildings protected from the elements—and your equipment running at its best—as the cold months appr…
Every year, condominiums and co-ops in New Jersey pay millions of dollars in utility expenses, including electric, water/sewer, gas, and steam. Are you certain your board or homeowners association (HOA) is paying the correct amount? What…
In November of 1999, New Jersey deregulated its electricity market, allowing utility companies to engage in full competition for customers' dollars in the interest of saving them money. Customers, whether residential or commercial, can s…
There are plenty of reasons why a co-op or condo association board may want to replace some or all of the windows in their community. Noise reduction, saving on energy costs, aesthetics and safety are usually chief among them. Even with …
It's been said that choice is the ultimate luxury. Since 1999, New Jersey businesses and residents have had the luxury of choosing which utility company from which to purchase gas, electricity, and heating fuel; but with choice often com…