Category: Law & Legislation

Law & Legislation An concept Image of a lawsuit
2024 May Responding to Litigation

There’s an old joke about business partners on the outs. The punchline is something like, “my lawyer is bigger than your lawyer!” Punchlines aside, though, who can you sue, when, and for what? In our litigious society, the short answer is n…

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Law & Legislation Harassment in its Many Forms and Types
Dealing With Harassment

While occasional annoyances and interpersonal friction are simply part of the cost of communal living, some behaviors cross the line from minor nuisance into legitimate harassment. Knowing the difference is important—but it can be tricky to…

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Law & Legislation lifeguard sitting on chair with megaphone at poolside for guarding lives
4 Legal Issues to Watch This Summer

While we tend to think of summer as a time to slow down, relax a bit, and unplug, things never really do that in the world of shared communities. New Jersey condos associations, co-ops, and HOAs are facing a number of pressing issues that l…

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