Category: Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation The Recycling Cycle
2014 September The Recycling Cycle

New Jersey is trashy. Literally. Every day residents of the Garden State produce hundreds of tons of trash. Whether its’ paper plates, cups, napkins or E-waste such as discarded computers, office electronic equipment, entertainment systems…

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Energy Conservation Submetering for Savings
2014 September Submetering for Savings

Funny thing about human nature—it’s not impulsively "natural" at all. Despite knowing that 1.1 billion people lack clean drinking water and thousands of children die from the diseases in that dirty water, people living in better circumstan…

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Energy Conservation Top 10 Energy Tips
2014 September Top 10 Energy Tips

There’s probably not a condo, co-op, or HOA board that doesn’t worry about money at some point or another, which is why staying on top of the latest money-saving opportunities is vital for any building or community to be successful. One of…

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Energy Conservation When Snowbirds Fly
2013 September When Snowbirds Fly

Every year the cycle repeats itself in numerous co-ops and condo communities from the Gold Coast to the Jersey Shore: as temperatures drop and snow begins to swirl, flocks of empty nesters and others fortunate enough to own a second home i…

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Energy Conservation Investing in Green
2013 September Investing in Green

With today’s condo and HOA residents much more conscious of their impact on the environment and looking for ways to reduce it, smart boards and property managers are looking to help. Simple tasks like turning down thermostats, shutting off…

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Energy Conservation New Jersey Takes the LEED
2013 September New Jersey Takes the LEED

There are two ways—and only two ways—to balance a budget: increase revenue or decrease spending. Whether you’re the treasurer of a co-op board or the President of the United States, those are the only two levers at your disposal. Ene…

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Energy Conservation Board Members for Life
2012 September Board Members for Life

 It is one of life’s eternal questions: is it possible to have too much of a good thing? That  question certainly can apply to the matter of long-serving board members, those  individuals who get elected and re-elected term after term. And…

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Energy Conservation Ten Hot (and Cool) Tips
2012 September Ten Hot (and Cool) Tips

 Energy efficiency has become a “buzz word” over the past couple years in New Jersey and more and more gadgets and devices  have come on the market that are specifically designed to use less energy.  Saving energy does a lot more than just…

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Energy Conservation Garbage In, Garbage Out
2012 September Garbage In, Garbage Out

 We as a culture produce a lot of trash—and not just in the form of reality television shows, late night infomercials,  and bad romance novels. Whether it’s the candy wrappers we toss into the trash bins outside on the sidewalk, the  newsp…

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Energy Conservation Green Pioneers
2012 September Green Pioneers

 Going green doesn’t have anything to do with choosing a natural paint color for your kitchen, or  planting herbs in your community garden. But the phrase can have many different  meanings and can be done across a broad spectrum. Turning o…

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