Category: Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation Let There Be LED
Let There Be LED

LED lighting - long known for its harsh, institutional glare - has come a long way since its awkward early years. These days, LED lighting is not only still exponentially more energy-efficient and long-lasting than traditional incandescent …

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Energy Conservation Multifamily Energy-Saving Solutions
Multifamily Energy-Saving Solutions

Whether you reside in, manage, or serve on the board of a co-op, condo, or HOA, examining your building’s energy efficiency from top to bottom, inside and out, will have enormous implications for individual and communal costs, energy conser…

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Energy Conservation Hidden Energy Wasters
2018 September Hidden Energy Wasters

Co-ops and condos routinely undertake major capital projects to improve and update their physical plant with the hopes of both increasing value and cutting expenses. But how about more modest programs to save money in areas that are often o…

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Energy Conservation Solar Energy Today
2018 September Solar Energy Today

Energy costs are a major component in any housing environment, and one of the main areas where boards and managers look at to optimize efficiency and save money. One already popular — and growing — alternative to fossil fuels is solar energ…

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Energy Conservation Green Cleaning
2017 September Green Cleaning

Ideally, cleaning products have one primary function: to make things less dirty. But once one delves deeper into the overall goal, things get more complicated. What makes something really clean? Does it just look shinier? Smell better? Or i…

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Energy Conservation A Look at Cogeneration
2017 September A Look at Cogeneration

Many residential properties obtain their power from a local energy supplier. But in recent years, boards and managing agents have investigated, and in some cases, installed “cogeneration” systems that allow properties to produce a portion o…

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Energy Conservation Improving Indoor Air Quality
2017 September Improving Indoor Air Quality

In multifamily buildings that hundreds – maybe even thousands – of people call home, it comes as no surprise that unpleasant smells can become an absolute nuisance. The airways that run through the building, the chutes and areas that house …

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