2016 September
Focus on... Energy & The Environment

Energy Conservation The Green Market
2016 September The Green Market

Sustainability is the watchword these days. All over the country, businesses and residences are being encouraged to go green, and condominiums, cooperatives and homeowners’ associations are no exception.  But not all condos/co-ops/HOAs are…

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Energy Conservation Getting the Lead Out
2016 September Getting the Lead Out

While Flint, Michigan may have been the highest profile case of water being contaminated with lead in recent years, lead is an issue that water systems across the country have to navigate and monitor closely. Earlier in the year, there wer…

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Energy Conservation Preparing Your Association for Winter
2016 September Preparing Your Association for Winter

As the summer turns to fall, it can be expected that the falling leaves will die off and herald the arrival of winter. So it’s not surprising that the boards of condominiums, cooperatives and homeowners’ associations are always well-prepare…

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Design Horticultural Art in Your Lobby
2016 September Horticultural Art in Your Lobby

A green wall in a residential space is like having both an indoor garden and piece of art all rolled into one—and you don’t even have to travel far to a botanical garden or a museum to experience it.  It’s a currently a very popular trend i…

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Q&A Q&A: Do we need a unanimous vote, or just a majority?
2016 September Q&A: Do we need a unanimous vote, or just a majority?

Q.  I have a question related to voting. Our building's documents include a master deed, rules and regulations, and bylaws. It refers to the New Jersey Condo Act as an empowerment document. In our complex there are only five owners, and ea…

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Q&A Q&A: Who pays for disabled accessibility alterations?
2016 September Q&A: Who pays for disabled accessibility alterations?

Q. It has come to the board’s attention recently that one of our residential tenants has suffered a disability and can no longer access her unit. She is asking to have a chair rail installed so she can access her second floor apartment in…

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