For most people, after a long winter, warm weather cannot come soon enough. But, if you are a trustee in a community association or a property manager, spring means more than barbecues and patio furniture—it means tough decisions and exp…

For most people, after a long winter, warm weather cannot come soon enough. But, if you are a trustee in a community association or a property manager, spring means more than barbecues and patio furniture—it means tough decisions and exp…
Every condo and co-op community has rules and regulations by which residents and their guests must abide. For the most part, these rules are pretty straightforward: no smoking in common areas, no pets, no skateboarding in the courtyard, …
Thousands upon thousands of people in New Jersey live in condos, HOAs or co-op buildings. Although it naturally varies from one development to another, many, possibly the majority, of association members pay very little if any attention …
When considering rules and regulations for their community, board members must decide what is necessary versus what could be burdensome for their building's residents. Times change, as do community mores, population demographics, and ind…
Whether it's demanding residents or unreasonable board members, maintenance headaches or a barely-under-control work schedule, a property manager is in a unique—and uniquely stressful—position. No one knows this better than the property …
Active, involved and concerned residents are essential to creating a strong community in any homeowners association. Even if you already have an enthusiastically involved resident population, don't overlook the importance of properly wel…
Most professionals in both the property management and bill-collection business agree: serious payment arrears don't happen all that often in HOAs, but when they do, it isn't pretty. Unpaid fees are more than just a hassle; they're a tim…
Maria and her husband Jim own a suburban condo, but are moving out of the area because of Jim's new job. The couple love their home however, and are hoping one day that they will relocate back to the area. Alex loves his two-bedroom urba…