Imagine you sit on a board of directors that makes a mistake or error in judgment that results in a lawsuit. Imagine the case goes to trial, and the judge awards the plaintiff hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. Now imagine that…

Imagine you sit on a board of directors that makes a mistake or error in judgment that results in a lawsuit. Imagine the case goes to trial, and the judge awards the plaintiff hundreds of thousands of dollars in damages. Now imagine that…
Imagine that your condominium association calls in a general contractor to do some renovation work on one of the buildings in your development. Or one of the unit owners calls in a contractor of his own to do some work on his kitchen or …
Unless you are in the business, understanding insurance can seem complicated—but for association boards, management companies, shareholders, and unit owners, it's important that everyone is aware of the insurance that is needed and provi…
In today's uncertain world, insurance costs can pose a hefty burden for homeowner's associations and co-op and condo boards trying to keep budgets balanced and costs lows. One potential solution to that burden may be a risk purchasing gr…
Part and parcel of living in a managed community or homeowners association is abiding by certain guidelines regulating what one can or cannot do to the exterior of their property. Nearly all HOAs have rules and regulations regarding neig…
I just attended my monthly association meeting where our board advised our members that our homeowners association had just been hit with a $1,500,000 judgment resulting from a skateboarding accident in our association-owned parking lot.…
Summer's here, and most of us couldn't get along without air conditioning, especially when the temperatures reach into the steamy 80s and 90s. Many people know the minimum about their air conditioning systems—if anything goes wrong, they…
Few things are as frustrating and irksome as paying a contractor to execute a project in either a private home or a condo association's common areas and finding out after the dust has settled that the work you paid for is substandard or …