Category: Board Operations

Board Operations The Ups and Downs of Board Presidency
2006 Oct The Ups and Downs of Board Presidency

It's a job that eats away at your free time, often results in you being bothered in your home after-hours and on weekends, and to top it off, doesn't pay one red cent. In fact, add up expenses like phone calls and gas, and you might even…

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Board Operations New Jersey Admissions Policies
2006 Oct New Jersey Admissions Policies

Three years ago, a member of the New York Giants football team was looking to move into Manhattan and applied to buy a co-op at one of the more luxurious buildings in town. Although the player made millions each year, he was denied entra…

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Board Operations Fuel Billing Options for HOAs
2006 Sep Fuel Billing Options for HOAs

When it comes to buying your community association's fuel and heating oil, if your goal is to pay rock-bottom prices well below what everyone else is shelling out, forget it. Everyone knows today's prices are high—and while we can all ho…

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Board Operations Owners' Rights/Financial Disclosure
2006 Jul Owners' Rights/Financial Disclosure

When a new unit owner moves into a condo development, he or she usually receives a welcome packet that contains all the governing documents, such as the declaration of covenants, conditions and restrictions, the bylaws and the house rule…

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Board Operations Securing Your Home While You're Away
2006 May Securing Your Home While You're Away

This summer, as HOA residents make plans to hit the shore or go visit relatives in faraway states, it's important to remember one thing as bags are packed and camping supplies loaded into the family car: Thieves never go on vacation. Sum…

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Board Operations Black Bears and New Jersey's HOAs
2006 Apr Black Bears and New Jersey's HOAs

When most people envision bears, they picture them roaming the vast forests of the west, pulling salmon from rushing rivers or running through the grassy meadows of Alaska. For more and more New Jersey condo owners, however, that vision …

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Board Operations Emergency Training for your HOA Staff
2005 Dec Emergency Training for your HOA Staff

Be Prepared" is not just a timeworn motto—it's a piece of advice that can save lives, property, and countless dollars. While the average person doesn't really think that they'll be a victim of a fire, flood, earthquake, or even a terrori…

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Board Operations Negotiating with Vendors
2005 Oct Negotiating with Vendors

Professional service providers or contractors are vital to the day-to-day operation and maintenance of any condo or co-op community. Since it's rare for a residential community to retain an on-site staff of landscapers and unheard-of to …

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