Are you looking for a new management company or financial advisor? Does your landscaping need an expert green thumb? Is your roof looking a little worn from the ravages of the New Jersey winter? Help is available at The New Je…

Are you looking for a new management company or financial advisor? Does your landscaping need an expert green thumb? Is your roof looking a little worn from the ravages of the New Jersey winter? Help is available at The New Je…
Every co-op and condo association has its own house rules—rules and regulations (hopefully) based on common sense and aimed at protecting residents' safety and quality of life without undue disruption or inconvenience. Most un…
Though they may live close to each other, people can feel isolated in an urban or suburban environment. While high-rise residential buildings put families near one another, living close doesn’t turn a group of neighbors into a community…
As the housing market in many parts of the country has foundered, many developers have taken creative approaches to stanch the outward flow of cash. In many markets, this means opting to convert portions of developments originally inte…
According to the most recent U.S. Census in 2010, an estimated 1.08 million people—or roughly 13.5 percent—of New Jersey’s population is over the age of 65. Older New Jerseyans probably live in longtime neighborhoods or in senior-only 5…
Construction and renovation projects are necessary, but often troublesome—especially when they're occurring next door. For many residents and building owners adjacent to an ongoing project, noise, debris and construction zones diminish …
Snowfall can be beautiful in New Jersey, but a long, harsh winter can wreak havoc on a condominium community’s landscaping. As spring begins to peek around winter’s chilly corner, the snow melts away and uncovers the winter wear. From br…
Unless you live in the perfectly utopian condo or co-op (in which case please disclose where), conflict is virtually inevitable. Whether is it a noise complaint or larger issue of governance, disputes between neighbors and board member…
When surveying the area now known as Maplewood, Robert Treat found several trails used by the Lenape tribes of Algonquin Native Americans, though there was only sparse settlement. Many of these paths form the basis for the town's main …
Q Can you tell me if or where one would find out if there is a law that dictates the total number of children allowed per cooperative apartment? Would this be found in the bylaws, offering plan or is it something that the city regulates…