Condominium associations, homeowners association (HOA), and co-op boards generally hold regular board meetings to get input from residents, resolve problems within the community, develop budgets for the upcoming year and handle any issue…

Condominium associations, homeowners association (HOA), and co-op boards generally hold regular board meetings to get input from residents, resolve problems within the community, develop budgets for the upcoming year and handle any issue…
New condo owners get a lot of papers and documents during the purchasing process, and among the most important they receive are the community's Declaration of Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&R), the bylaws, administrative guideline…
Homeowners move into a community association for a variety of reasons. Some people seek carefree, maintenance-free living, where all responsibility for home care, recreation, or community activities is handled efficiently and promptly by…
Double taxation is a term often referred to by residents of private communities to describe having to pay property taxes to their town in addition to the monthly maintenance fees they pay to their community association for services like …
The fastest growing small city in New Jersey may also be one of the most livable. The decades-old cooperation of government, academia, and the private sector have made New Brunswick a cultural, industrial, and educational hub for New Jer…
One of the more complicated issues that occasionally faces an association is what to do if a homeowner becomes delinquent in paying their monthly common charges. While financial problems are a burden on the homeowner first and foremost, …