Category: Security

Security Avoiding Toxins in Your Building
2008 Dec Avoiding Toxins in Your Building

Some building hazards—things like cracked sidewalks, broken windows or crumbling masonry—are obvious to even an untrained eye, making it easy to conduct repairs and prevent further deterioration and potential injury. Other buildi…

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Security The Latest in Energy-Efficient Heating Products
2007 Dec The Latest in Energy-Efficient Heating Products

With the colder months upon us, staying warm is certainly a top priority for New Jersey's co-op and condo boards and homeowner associations. Operating their properties efficiently will not only ensure that shareholders and owners stay wa…

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Security Big Brother is Watching
2007 Dec Big Brother is Watching

If security and privacy are two seats on a seesaw, the balance, in the last fifty years or so, has shifted towards the former. Federal mandates intended to keep citizens safe—seat belt requirements, gun control laws, smoking prohibitions…

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Security Dealing with Fires in Multifamily Buildings
2007 Dec Dealing with Fires in Multifamily Buildings

It's a four-letter word that no one ever wants to hear—fire! High-rise and apartment-building fires are, mercifully, a rare occurrence, but they do happen and they can be a real-life nightmare, similar to what's depicted in the 1970s-era…

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Security Caring for At-Risk Residents
2007 Dec Caring for At-Risk Residents

New Jersey and New York are famous (perhaps infamous) for their residents' philosophy of minding their own business—dress as a giant chicken, sport a revolutionary haircut…nobody minds. This attitude is great if you're a young person exp…

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Security Fire Safety for Your Building's Employees
2007 Dec Fire Safety for Your Building's Employees

The fires this past October in southern California were a sharp reminder of the power and ferocity of this deadly element. Fire can spread quickly and without warning, often catching the people near it off-guard and vulnerable. Sometimes…

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Security What to Keep in Mind
2007 Dec What to Keep in Mind

One of the most important things for an urban or suburban dweller to know about his or her condo, co-op or HOA is often the one thing that everyone forgets about—that is, what to do in the event of an emergency. While it's true that the …

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Security Technology + Personnel = Maximum Security
2007 March Technology + Personnel = Maximum Security

Along with location and amenities, safety is one of the foremost factors homebuyers take into consideration when searching for a home. Current advancements in security technologies have evolved ten-fold since just five years ago, ye…

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Security Security in High-rises and HOAs
2006 Dec Security in High-rises and HOAs

Security and safety are among the most important concerns of condos, co-ops and HOAs today. Even though crime is down everywhere, 9/11 has heightened security concerns in general. But how do security concerns differ between a typical s…

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Security Addressing the Question of Subletting
2006 Dec Addressing the Question of Subletting

For many New Jersey co-op shareholders and condo unit owners, the question of subletting their apartment can be one of simple convenience, or major necessity. Perhaps they've been given an extended out-of-town work assignment and need so…

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