Since their appearance in the early aughts, home-sharing and short-term rental platforms like Airbnb, VRBO, and others have been a polarizing issue - particularly in co-op and condominium communities. While many apartment owners may choose …

Since their appearance in the early aughts, home-sharing and short-term rental platforms like Airbnb, VRBO, and others have been a polarizing issue - particularly in co-op and condominium communities. While many apartment owners may choose …
Perhaps you’ve watched an episode of Law & Order , or one of the many other shows shot in and around the New York City metro, and wondered how the producers select buildings for location shoots. Maybe you’ve even wondered whether your …
A legal battle is ongoing between a New Jersey condo association and a conservation group over public waterway access via private property. New Jersey state law provides for some very specific rules when it comes to waterway access. The sta…
In many ways co-op, condo, and HOA living represents the most basic form of representative democracy. Like the ancient Athenians, we gather periodically to elect a small group from among us to represent our joint interests and to oversee th…
Among the keys to successful governance of residential communities is continuity. The most basic of democratically elected units, co-op, condo, and HOA boards are the custodians of their community’s welfare, success, and continued operatio…
In the world of co-ops, condos, and HOAs, management plays a slightly different role than it does in the rest of the real estate world. For example, in many rental buildings, the landlord or property owner often acts as de facto manager as …
While visions of sugar plums may be dancing through your head this time of year, if you’re sitting on the board of your condominium or co-op it may be time to think about projects a bit further down the road; specifically, projects that are…
The holiday season is well underway, with trees, wreaths, twinkle lights, and all the other festive trimmings coming out of storage and going up in lobbies, hallways, and other common areas. Many co-op and condo residents are also breaking …
Buying into a residential community like a co-op, condominium, or HOA can be a bit like selecting the political system you’d like to live under. Governance styles can range from an Athenian democracy where every member of the community is i…
With political divisions a hallmark of the times, debates about free speech dominating many a news feed, and midterm elections looming, many co-op, condo, and HOA boards are fielding questions - and complaints - about political signage and …