Category: Board Operations

Board Operations In Your Place, In Their Place
2008 Oct In Your Place, In Their Place

Conventional wisdom holds that if you have to have neighbors, you’re better off living next door to owners than renters. By definition, owners have a stake in their building, and are supposedly better neighbors. They are cleaner, quiete…

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Board Operations HOAs & the Value of a Web Presence
2008 Oct HOAs & the Value of a Web Presence

It’s sometimes hard to grasp how fast technology has evolved in such a short time. Whether it’s finding cheap plane tickets or finding a date for Saturday night, the Internet can do it all. Technology has transformed the way we communic…

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Board Operations Switching Management Companies
2008 Oct Switching Management Companies

Most co-op and condo boards that hire property managers, rather than manage themselves with in-house staff, are reasonably satisfied with them. After all, the managers are presumably trained and experienced professionals. But now and t…

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Board Operations Dealing with a Few Bad Apples
2008 Sept Dealing with a Few Bad Apples

Reality television has made an industry out of putting people in challenging or high-stress situations, sitting back, and letting the “unscripted” drama play out. Shows like “The Apprentice” and “Survivor” drew weekly audiences of millio…

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Board Operations Board Resource Guide: E-Mail Etiquette
2008 Aug Board Resource Guide: E-Mail Etiquette

Like it or not, e-mail is a permanent fixture of contemporary business communications. In real estate, board members and property managers use e-mail to discuss the most official and the most personal matters of their lives, from sched…

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Board Operations Solar Powering Your Building
2007 Oct Solar Powering Your Building

Sobering studies have recently been published by organizations like the International Energy Association and the National Petroleum Council suggesting that the planet's supply of traditional energy sources may not meet demand by as soon …

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Board Operations A Helping Hand for HOAs
2007 Oct A Helping Hand for HOAs

Running a successful co-op or condo—whether you're a shareholder or a manager—requires a lot of outside help. There are landscapers to contract, attorneys to query, owners to deal with and hundreds of other tasks each day that require in…

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