The feel of the sand and the sun; the smell of sunscreen, and the view from the boardwalk carry a huge importance for New Jerseyans and the Garden State's economy. Last year's Superstorm Sandy almost completely destroyed many of the se…

The feel of the sand and the sun; the smell of sunscreen, and the view from the boardwalk carry a huge importance for New Jerseyans and the Garden State's economy. Last year's Superstorm Sandy almost completely destroyed many of the se…
The vast majority of both one-time projects and long-term service contracts involving vendors and service providers and their condominium or HOA clients go smoothly and either conclude or continue without incident. However, a small per…
The foundation of any properly run condo association or co-op building rests on residents paying their monthly maintenance fees on time and in full, with no delays or delinquencies. However, thanks to the lingering effects of the ebbing…
If you want to find out about the history of a town, region or country, head to a museum or look it up on the Internet. If you want to find out about your family’s history, look at your photo album, whether it’s in a book or online. And…
Out of nowhere, someone is regularly using the parking space you have had for years. And strangers are appearing regularly in your building’s hallways, though you’re not sure where they belong or if they should even be there. Strangely, …
While a lot of the day-to-day business of running a condo building or HOA happens in the management office or on-site at the level of maintenance and staff management, meetings—board-only and resident alike—are the forum where important…
A key to success and functionality in any relationship is clear, consistent communication. In a residential community, part of achieving functionality is managing the information in the governing documents and records which detail the …
It's a sad fact that the artisans and craftspeople who created some of the most beautiful, distinctive interior and exterior architectural elements for the tri-state area's residential buildings are an endangered species. The prolifera…
Q I am the president of a condominium association in Trenton. One of the board members suggested we put a term limit on board members. Currently we do not have such a provision in our bylaws. How would be go about making an amendment? …
Q We live in a condominium that has a builder-controlled board. In the past, when we had a deficit, the builder covered it so we were able to start the year without a deficit. When we had a surplus, the builder was given credit for the s…