Whether you’ve just taken a seat on your condominium of HOA board, or are an old hand at association leadership, the position can be a daunting one. There are vendors to hire, budgets to balance and complaints to field. How do …

Whether you’ve just taken a seat on your condominium of HOA board, or are an old hand at association leadership, the position can be a daunting one. There are vendors to hire, budgets to balance and complaints to field. How do …
When someone moves into a community, they often look for the friendliness and camaraderie that living in an association brings. But with many personalities often butting heads on everyday living situations, it can often get tense and t…
As housing markets in many parts of the country—including New Jersey—have foundered, many developers have opted to convert portions of communities originally intended to be condominiums into rental properties. When a developmen…
These days, there are few people who don’t have a business website, a Facebook account and even a Twitter handle. It’s the same for buildings. As the rise of online social media invades nearly every aspect of our daily life, co…
Working in groups can be a challenge. Working in groups when people’s homes—and possibly their life savings—are involved can be a far greater challenge. It’s one faced every day by those brave souls who volunteer to serve on their co-op …
It’s the same dilemma that single-family households across the U.S. are facing: What bills need to be paid immediately and what bills can wait? And should we stretch ourselves thin, taking more out of our bank accounts to pay for privat…
Time was, if you said that a co-op or condo building was 'going to the dogs,' it was a bad thing. These days however, that's not always the case. According to the American Pet Products Association, 39 percent of all U.S. households own …
Snow, ice, freezing, thawing, refreezing all take such a toll on New Jersey properties that it’s practically a cliché—but it’s a cliché that condo and HOA board members and managers have to deal with every spring. Harsh weather …
Every news channel in the tri-state area, if not the entire U.S., aired minute-by-minute accounts of Superstorm Sandy's brutal march up the Eastern Seaboard. The accounts and pictures of the devastation were indelible. Weathermen and n…
Fire in the home can be an absolutely terrifying and life-altering occurrence. In 2011, there were 1,389,500 fires reported in the United States. These fires caused 3,005 civilian deaths, 17,500 civilian injuries, and $11.7 billion in …
Q Our building was badly flooded by Hurricane Sandy, which “killed” our boilers and elevators, and the building is terribly short on funds at the moment. Are FEMA loans applicable to condos? Is this something our management company shou…