Money is a topic people are often skittish about discussing—especially when the discussion involves rising fees, or having to pay more money for something. When you’re a board member or the property manager of a condo building or residen…

Money is a topic people are often skittish about discussing—especially when the discussion involves rising fees, or having to pay more money for something. When you’re a board member or the property manager of a condo building or residen…
For a crystal-clear picture of how an association is doing, there are few better lenses than the community's budgets and financial reports. From an investment perspective, they show the shareholders, managers, tenants, owners, and board…
New Jersey is known for having some of the very best urban opportunities in the world—among the best colleges and schools, museums and libraries, as well as some of the finest parks, the most interesting architecture, the most intriguin…
Next to fire, perhaps nothing is more damaging to residential buildings and the property of their occupants as leaks. Whether it’s a torrential deluge from the upstairs neighbor’s overflowing bathtub or a slow, seeping leak around the wi…
In the typical suburban condo development, one must go to another location to shop— maybe to the mini-mall, or the big box store down the road. But in many of New Jersey’s urban high-rises, retail businesses and stores are often found o…
Communication—there is probably no single concept more important to fostering and maintaining the relationship between homeowners, board members, property managers and professional service providers within the industry than clear, effec…
Q I am a shareholder in a cooperative of 121 units and 152 parking spaces. My question concerns the rightful use and maintenance of community property. Every shareholder is entitled one parking space at a fee of $20 per month. The addi…