2008 June
Focus on... Law & Legislation

Law & Legislation Pet Rules and Regulations
2008 June Pet Rules and Regulations

For anyone who has ever taken in a stray, won a goldfish at a county fair, or indulged a pleading child with an impossibly cute kitten, the disarming charm a pet holds over its owner is self-evident. A pet becomes more than just a presen…

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Law & Legislation A Look at What's On Deck in Trenton
2008 June A Look at What's On Deck in Trenton

Each legislative session in the New Jersey Senate usually includes at least one bill or proposal related to housing, or one that impacts the state’s HOAs. There were several such bills introduced this past year—some of which were allowed…

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Law & Legislation Protecting Workers, Preventing Injuries
2008 June Protecting Workers, Preventing Injuries

A building or community’s onsite staff and workers are an integral part of any co-op, condo or HOA. As they go about their daily duties on behalf of your board and residents, your workers must be provided with a safe working environment …

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Law & Legislation Governor Corzine's 2009 Budget Proposal
2008 June Governor Corzine's 2009 Budget Proposal

Recognizing that New Jersey has been spending its way into deficit for two decades, Governor Jon Corzine’s $33 billion proposed 2009 budget calls for numerous cuts to pare down expenditures. Cutting spending is the first step to getting …

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Law & Legislation Is Your Association Prepared?
2008 June Is Your Association Prepared?

On October 24, 2007, Governor Jon Corzine signed the Predatory Towing Prevention Act to prevent tow truck operators from “taking advantage of vulnerable citizens and holding their vehicles hostage for exorbitant fees.” On October 19, 200…

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Q&A Q&A: Plugging Leaking Pipes
2008 June Q&A: Plugging Leaking Pipes

Q Periodically, the board of directors of our condominium encounters a situation where water leaks intermittently from one apartment to the apartment directly beneath (and/or adjacent units). More often than not, this is due to water d…

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Q&A Q&A: Bequeathing Co-op Stock
2008 June Q&A: Bequeathing Co-op Stock

Q My dad put my brother’s name on his co-op stock last year. But in the place where he lives you can only have two names on the stock certificate. I was wondering if something happens to my dad, can he leave his half of the stock to my…

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