Since the board of a building or community association is usually comprised of a collective group of unique individuals with their own perspective and opinions, no two boards are ever the same. However, there are certain overall, un…

Since the board of a building or community association is usually comprised of a collective group of unique individuals with their own perspective and opinions, no two boards are ever the same. However, there are certain overall, un…
Mary and Tom own a condominium in upstate New York, where they live with their three young children. The couple's otherwise idyllic suburban enclave has been shaken with recent allegations that their association's current board of directors…
Every co-op and condo association has a board— and by extension, a board president. Presidents and CEOs of major corporations are usually compensated handsomely for the time and effort they're expected to devote to their job, but a build…
For a car to run, all the parts (most of them, anyway) need to be in working order. The engine has to be well oiled, the tires must be inflated properly, and sometimes the brakes need adjusting. The major components of the machine must be f…
Professional service providers or contractors are vital to the day-to-day operation and maintenance of any condo or co-op community. Since it's rare for a residential community to retain an on-site staff of landscapers and unheard-of to …
In an age when over-analysis seems to be the rule rather than the exception, The Wentworth Management Group has made it a point to keep things simple. Their goal? To do whatever it takes to keep their clients satisfied. That simple phi…
Where do property managers learn their stuff? They're not born knowing how to broker peace between feuding neighbors or who to call when the storm gutters are flooded, so they must learn their trade from other experts. There are a number…
A quiet, carefully developed community nestled in north central New Jersey in eastern Morris County, Chatham boasts fine schools, parks, recreational and cultural facilities and is home to two major universities. It also boasts another t…
As construction and home ownership continue to be a growth industry in New Jersey, one issue that will be faced by more and more HOA members is the transfer of power from community developers and sponsors to the new homeowners who w…