Whether you’re a manager or a board member, running a co-op, condo, or HOA has never been an easy job. There’s always a capital project to fund, a contractor to hire, a dispute to resolve, a leak to repair … the list can feel endless. Tha…

Whether you’re a manager or a board member, running a co-op, condo, or HOA has never been an easy job. There’s always a capital project to fund, a contractor to hire, a dispute to resolve, a leak to repair … the list can feel endless. Tha…
In a typical co-op, condo, or homeowners association, residents have a lot to say about how their building or community is or should be functioning … but few actually step up to run for and serve on the board that does the actual governing.…
While experts predict an improvement in mortgage markets and builder outlook for the U.S. housing market in 2024, the number of new communities and existing home sales will be subject to a series of domestic and international issues. The ge…
According to a surprising recent report from consulting firm Construction Coverage ranking the ‘Hottest Real Estate Markets of 2024,’ the NYC metro market ranks 48th out of 52 large U.S. cities. “While 2023 marked a notably more subdued…
The lobby of your building is more than just a transitional space between outdoors and in; it’s an important component in the life of your co-op or condo community. It’s where you enter your home. It’s where your visitors (and potential bu…
The national housing market for 2023 will likely be remembered as one of converging challenges, especially for the multifamily sector. A recession possibly looming, ballooning interest rates, steady inflation, global instability, and a stri…
With most home moves occurring between April and September, now’s the perfect time for homeowners to start preparing to sell their homes, according to the Northern Virginia Association of Realtors® (NVAR) which recently released six tip…
It’s no great secret that America is getting older. The birth rate in the U.S. has fallen by more than half since the early 1960s, and the typical life expectancy in the U.S. has increased by around a decade over the same span. Put another …
For many unit owners, there comes a moment when they realize their space needs have changed. For whatever reason, the “perfect” space they chose and invested in years ago no longer works. Maybe their family has grown, and the apartment is s…
Whether you’ve tried to buy an apartment or sell one, the past year has been a difficult one. Expectations on both sides have yet to fall in line with the realities of the market - and interest rates haven’t helped the situation. On top of …