Category: COVID-19

COVID-19 Cleaning Through COVID
Cleaning Through COVID

Even though the world has been contending with COVID-19 and its consequences for the better part of a year (and counting), the routines and practices we’ve adopted to prevent its spread and minimize personal risk of infection are still evol…

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COVID-19 Prepping for the Holidays in a Pandemic
Prepping for the Holidays in a Pandemic

The holidays: a time for upholding long-standing traditions, usually involving festive gatherings of family and friends, communal meals, sacred services, gift exchanges, visitors, and, invariably, crowds—until this year, that is.  The coro…

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COVID-19 Making Moves
Making Moves

There have been many people who have decided to pack up a truck and move during the pandemic. Moving company  surveyed 700 Americans who made the decision to move in 2020 to find out their biggest challenges, mistakes, and what …

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COVID-19 Cultivating Community During COVID
Cultivating Community During COVID

The challenge of creating a sense of community during a pandemic is not something most people expected to face in their lifetime...but here we are. And while face-to-face communication is an essential part of daily life for most of us, we’v…

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COVID-19 The Gym Debate
The Gym Debate

Condominium, HOA, and co-op boards are charged with the health and well-being of their communities, both physical and financial. Board service is also voluntary, which makes for a lot of unpaid labor in the best of times, and can feel downr…

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COVID-19 Supporting Essential Building Workers
Supporting Essential Building Workers

While residents of condos, co-ops, and HOAs do their part to prevent the spread of COVID-19 by staying in their homes as much as they can, they rely on the supers, porters, valets, doorpeople, janitorial workers, handymen and -women, securi…

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COVID-19 Securing Air Quality in the COVID-19 Era
Securing Air Quality in the COVID-19 Era

COVID-19 has caused more far-ranging, persistent anxiety than any other event in recent history. It has affected our jobs, our living situations, and the way we interact with others, and it’s not done with us yet. Scientists and public heal…

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COVID-19 Expanding the Virtual Tour
Expanding the Virtual Tour

At the start of the coronavirus pandemic, with traditional in-person apartment showings off the table for pretty much the entire spring season, many in the residential real estate industry scrambled to incorporate “virtual” components into …

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