You're Invited! - the CooperatorEvents New Jersey Expo 2023 is Wednesday, June 7 10:00am to 4:00pm at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus

You're Invited! - the CooperatorEvents New Jersey Expo 2023 is Wednesday, June 7

CooperatorEvents is excited to be back at the Meadowlands Exposition Center in Secaucus on Wednesday, June 7 from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. for the CooperatorEvents New Jersey Expo 2023! 

If you’ve joined us for previous shows, you know the Expo offers great opportunities for managers, board members, and individuals interested in making their building or association the best it can be by exploring the latest trends and innovations in the multifamily industry—all for FREE. And if this will be your first Expo, you can look forward to accessing industry experts, service providers, and vendors who can offer valuable insights and advice on everything from financing to maintenance and renovation. Register today online to attend at, or day-of at the show. In just a few hours, you can expand your network, build new relationships, and gain valuable contacts that can help make your job easier. 

Education is Everything 

Along with the hundreds of exhibitors, another major reason to visit the show is of course the day’s roster of FREE educational seminars. These hour-long sessions cover topics ranging from financing to legal issues to building management and more, led by experts in the field. They provide attendees with valuable information and strategies that can be applied in their own buildings. This year’s schedule includes: 

10:30am - 11:30am, Room 1

Ansell Grimm & Aaron PC presents: 

Short Term Rentals - Safety, Liability, & Other Challenges Presented by Non-Owner Occupants

Because of economic necessity, lifestyle changes, or simple opportunity, condo owners are increasingly making their units available on the short-term rental (STR) market via platforms like Airbnb, Vrbo,, and others. Attractive as they may be to some however, STRs generally violate rules and covenants, and can cause any number of problems for an association's actual owners and full-time residents. Issues of safety and security, property damage, liability, and community cohesion are just a few of these. This expert legal panel will discuss the challenges STRs present to boards, management, and the communities they govern, and offer tips on how to navigate a residentia dynamic that 10 years ago many of us could not even fathom.

11:30am - 12:30pm, Room 2

Taylor Management Company AAMC, AMO presents: 

Leading the Charge - Electric Vehicle Charging & Your Community

Electric vehicles are not just the wave of the future; they are here today. Your community needs to be prepared. This seminar will address issues concerning electric vehicles including the impact on your community’s infrastructure, how to apply for grants, legal requirements and concerns for community associations, insurance coverage issues, facilitating requests to install chargers, and managing a community with electric vehicles. You will hear from professionals in our industry who are actively dealing with these matters and will have an opportunity to ask them questions.

12:30pm - 1:30pm, Room 1

PeopleFirst Property & Casualty and Stark & Stark Attorneys at Law present: 

Hot Legal & Insurance Topics of 2023: What Managers & Board Members Need to Know to Protect Their Communities

After a few years of many unforeseen global challenges, multifamily boards and managers have a lot to think about when it comes to the governance of their communities. The landscape of everyday operations, long-term planning, and communities' relationship to liability and insurance claims has changed, and changing climate conditions have ushered in a new era of intense weather events and flooding. Aging infrastructure and the risk it poses to property and personal safety has also become a serious concern. This panel will address all of these issues, including the fiduciary duty of boards to maintain the structural safety of their communities under the Condo and Multi-Dwelling Acts, conducting state mandated inspections and repairs, liability considerations, significant changes in the insurance market for 2023, and how to make your community more resilient in the face of flooding, storms, and other natural disasters.

1:30pm - 2:30pm, Room 2

Associa Community Management Corporation of NJ presents: 

Welcome Aboard - Training & Orienting New Board Members

The vast majority of board members are volunteers - and while they may come to the role with professional experience in law, design, engineering, or other helpful areas, there's still a learning curve when it comes to the day-to-day functioning of a multifamily community. This informative seminar will offer tips to help shorten that curve and get new board members familiar with how their own community is governed, including a brief overview of governing documents, the board-management relationship, the extent - and limitations - of board power in both co-ops and condos, how effective meetings are structured, and the importance of transparency and good communication between community administrators and residents. The panel will also touch on other resources for board training and continuing education, as well as the concept of fiduciary duty, and how it applies to board members and the board as a whole.

2:30pm - 3:30pm, Room 1

CooperatorEvents presents: 

Keeping the Peace - Managing Conflict in Your Community

Managers and board members alike need an array of tools to do their jobs well: communication skills, time management, and resourcefulness, just to name a few. But among the most important is the ability to manage the conflicts that inevitably arise, even in the most tight-knit community. Whether between board members, neighbors, or employees, unresolved conflict has a corrosive effect on both the governance and social cohesion of a community, leading to acrimony, and even litigation. This panel of pros will discuss the most common sources of conflict in associations, give practical tips on how to manage it when it arises, and offer paths to resolution without litigation.

Remember, this must-attend event is FREE to attend for all condo, co-op, and HOA board members, property managers, residents, and real estate professionals in the Garden State! Visit to get registered, see who’s exhibiting, and get more information about the big day. See you at the Meadowlands!

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Resources for Multifamily Boards

Where Communities Go to Stay in the Know

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Understanding Your Monthly Financial Information

The Key to a Financially Successful Association