LED lighting - long known for its harsh, institutional glare - has come a long way since its awkward early years. These days, LED lighting is not only still exponentially more energy-efficient and long-lasting than traditional incandescent …

LED lighting - long known for its harsh, institutional glare - has come a long way since its awkward early years. These days, LED lighting is not only still exponentially more energy-efficient and long-lasting than traditional incandescent …
Every board understands that having adequate umbrella liability insurance for their building or HOA is mandatory - that's a given. But many boards don't carry Directors & Officers policies, or 'D&O,' which protects the board as a body and b…
Elevator repair and replacement projects can be extremely disruptive for everyone in your building - and can have a very real impact on some resident's ability to even enter and leave their homes. In this quick clip, elevator pros explain h…
The vast majority of co-op, condo and HOA residents are reasonable and sensible, and wouldn't dream of disrupting their community by being verbally abusive to neighbors, harassing board members and managers with endless petty complaints, or…
Running meetings and holding elections are two of a board's most important functions -- but few board members come to the job knowing how to do either one. This seminar will offer a crash course in running smooth, productive board meetings …
Board members have a lot of responsibility to their communities and associations -- and with that responsibility can come liability. This seminar will explain the extent and limitations of legal liability for board members, as well as how t…
In an ever-changing, high-stakes landscape, it's crucial to stay abreast of the legal and legislative issues impacting your community. This seminar will familiarize board members, property managers, and residents with the hot topics that ma…
Department of Community Affairs inspections and FHA mortgage approval are two of the most important -- and most challenging -- processes a community association must face. With the DCA inspecting most community associations every five years…
Solar power has come a long way since the days of huge, unsightly rooftop arrays - find out how going solar can save your buildings energy and money, and learn how your properties can take advantage of new solar technologies, as well as inc…
For properties working with tighter budgets, it may make sense to 'share' staff members with neighboring buildings or associations in order to trim overhead and administrative costs. Come find out how you can join forces with other landlord…