2015 April
Focus on... Landscaping & Lawn Care/Expo

Landscaping Going Green by Design
2015 April Going Green by Design

While it's common for buildings and associations of any size to have designated committees in place to help boards and management handle aesthetic, social, and other community concerns, environmentally-friendly committees are a more recent…

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Landscaping Tree Planning and Care
2015 April Tree Planning and Care

They are the greenery that gives life to our cities, the leafy giants that give us shade and that unforgettable rustling sound just outside our windows late at night. Trees are the unsung heroes of the urban landscape—and with proper plann…

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Landscaping You Can't Plant That Here!
2015 April You Can't Plant That Here!

New Jersey is only 166 miles long and 65 miles across at its widest point, with less than 8,000 square miles in total land area. Compact as it is, the Garden State nevertheless experiences a full range of seasonal changes in all five of it…

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Maintenance Water World
2015 April Water World

Keeping lawns, trees, bushes and flowers healthy is an association goal for nearly all condos and co-ops; notwithstanding, effective landscaping management is essential. Aside from the sun and soil rich in nutrients, the key to remaining “…

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Maintenance Seasonal Landscape Maintenance
2015 April Seasonal Landscape Maintenance

People aren’t the only life on your association's property; there are plants, trees, and other living landscaping elements, as well. More than just decoration, these features provide the community a vitality and serene pleasure only nature…

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Maintenance Maintaining a Healthy Building
2015 April Maintaining a Healthy Building

It was January 1977 when the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) first identified and isolated a previously unknown strain of bacteria found breeding in the cooling tower of a hotel air conditioning system. The bacteria, subsequently named L…

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Management Boards Behaving Badly
2015 April Boards Behaving Badly

Most condo/HOA boards are made up of ordinary, well-meaning folks who volunteer for the relatively thankless job of running their association. They donate their time, expertise, and effort to make their community as functional, solvent, an…

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Law & Legislation Bad Apples
2015 April Bad Apples

On most occasions, HOAs and condo communities in New Jersey are not—as some would say—party central. Indeed, the wild, frenetic energy found in East Coast urban centers like Philadelphia and New York City is lacking. The generally quiet li…

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Management Homesharing in Co-ops, Condos & HOAs
2015 April Homesharing in Co-ops, Condos & HOAs

The media and political buzz surrounding so-called 'homeshare' or 'short-term rental' websites (primarily Airbnb, but also other similar services like and, just to name two) has been on the upswing over the last year …

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Management Park It, Buddy!
2015 April Park It, Buddy!

For those looking to move into a condo, there are myriad factors that come into play while searching for the best—and most efficient—place to live. Of course, location, size, and safety are always a concern. Amenities attract home seekers,…

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Board Operations New Technology for Boards and Managers
2015 April New Technology for Boards and Managers

Most of us wouldn't know what to do with ourselves if we didn't have a smartphone or tablet to help us communicate, navigate, and otherwise organize our lives. Property managers throughout the country, whether they handle urban high-rises,…

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Board Operations Monster Meetings
2015 April Monster Meetings

The headline of a recent Walpole, Massachusetts newspaper article read: “Fight between Walpole selectmen cuts meeting short.” The first sentence of the article stated, “Selectmen came to verbal blows on Tuesday night, prompting other board…

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Neighborhoods Paramus, New Jersey
2015 April Paramus, New Jersey

Named a “New Jersey Healthy Town” under the state’s Mayor’s Wellness Campaign in 2013, Paramus—a city in Bergen County—rests less than 10 miles from Upper Manhattan. With a modest population of just over 25,000 residents, the city is an id…

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Management Neighbor to Neighbor
2015 April Neighbor to Neighbor

What happens when people begin to notice that their next door neighbors are having difficulty with their mobility, are suddenly at risk of falling or have fallen, are confused about where they are and begin to exhibit this and other types …

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Q&A Q&A: Must Board Members Reside in New Jersey?
2015 April Q&A: Must Board Members Reside in New Jersey?

Q My question is this: can a cooperative board of directors require board members to be residents of the state of New Jersey? —Garden State State A “Co-ops are often governed by the same rules and procedures that apply to corpor…

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