When you decide to run for a board, you’re usually thinking about all the great changes you’re going to make to your building community, along with all the time and effort that you’re prepared to sacrifice for the good of your home. …

When you decide to run for a board, you’re usually thinking about all the great changes you’re going to make to your building community, along with all the time and effort that you’re prepared to sacrifice for the good of your home. …
All professional contractors and service providers are required by law to carry insurance to cover their activities. Any condo building should also carry its own insurance to cover accidents or other incidents on the property—this could…
No one needs to be reminded about the personal loss and devastation that Superstorm Sandy brought to the Jersey Shore in October 2012. Natural disasters like these are on the rise and serve to underscore the importance of having approp…
Most co-op and condo residents have taken part in at least a few annual board elections, and perhaps they’ve even served on committees, or volunteered on behalf of their building in some other capacity. But those who’ve never taken a se…
Being on a board of a condo or co-op is no picnic. There are tons of decisions to be made, disputes to settle, finances to keep track of and a chance of being sued for a slip-up. So why do so many people decide to serve on a board—some …
Property management, in the broadest of terms, is defined as the operation, control and oversight of real estate. Most property managers would agree that definition is just a starting point, however. There are many facets to t…
Freelance photographer Jocelyn A. lives in a charming, post-war brick townhouse community of over 1,600 units and a $3 million annual budget. She receives a monthly newsletter with over 20 pages of everything to keep residents informed,…
I'm part of an association, and there's a couple big votes at our upcoming meeting. My question is related to the death of a fellow unit owner; can anyone who may have her proxy vote for her? Is it legal? She was buried very recently. …