Whether you're a board member, a manager, or a unit owner, you know how crucial good information and clear communication is to the operation of a successful condo or homeowners association—especially these days, when the economy is taki…

Whether you're a board member, a manager, or a unit owner, you know how crucial good information and clear communication is to the operation of a successful condo or homeowners association—especially these days, when the economy is taki…
In the face of rising water costs, maintenance costs, and a continued depressed housing market, many community associations are finding long-term savings through new landscape strategies that also help our environment. Eco-friendly land…
Since the 1950s, American lawns have been “hooked” on petroleum-based and synthetic chemicals. A plethora of post-war pesticides, herbicides, fungicides and fertilizers were eagerly embraced by both homeowners and landscape professional…
The months have gone by, but it’s not easy to forget the damage that 2011's brutal weather brought to trees in New Jersey. Tropical Storm Irene swept through the area in late August with 120-mph winds and heavy flooding that snapped lim…
Part of the job of a condo board is to keep your association’s grounds or lawn looking healthy and attractive. After all, curb appeal can do wonders when it comes to appraisals and even the morale of your community members. But most con…
It’s no secret that New Jerseyans love their dogs. Colin Campbell, New Jersey’s deputy state public health veterinarian estimates that there are 500,000 dogs in the Garden State, so it’s no wonder businesses and city dwellings are jumpin…
These days, everybody is looking to save money—or dealing with the repercussions of not having saved enough in the past. And while lawns and shrubbery might seem like luxury items to some condo and co-op residents, aesthetics and curb a…
For some New Jerseyans, planning their daily errands and activities can be as logistically difficult as mountain climbing. These residents are, of course, those with disabilities, the elderly or anyone whose mobility has been compromis…
Q I live in a 51-unit condo complex in Essex County. The association is attempting to get a loan for needed repairs of at least $200,000, however, three attempts were denied due to the delinquency in condo dues totaling $35,000. There a…