2005 Dec
Focus on... Safety & Security

Security Emergency Management in New Jersey
2005 Dec Emergency Management in New Jersey

New Jersey is the Garden State, but it also might be called the Heavy Rain, Flood and Storm State. "Not only do we have the coast, but we have hundreds of miles of rivers and bays, which does make us prone," says Hillary Cummons, a spoke…

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Security Safety and Training for HOA Staff
2005 Dec Safety and Training for HOA Staff

Throughout her career as a safety management consultant and certified safety professional, Deb Potter Ph.D. has heard her share of tragic stories about building staff members injured on the job. "I've seen building staff members who ha…

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Security Reducing the Risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning
2005 Dec Reducing the Risk of Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

You can't see it, smell it, or touch it, but there's some of it in your home right now—and at a certain level, it becomes deadly. It's carbon monoxide, or CO, and nearly 500 people die each year as a result of CO poisoning. According t…

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Security Miminizing Ice and Snow Damage
2005 Dec Miminizing Ice and Snow Damage

Winter's a tough time of year. Sure making snowmen, skiing, and cozying up to a warm fire at night during a snowstorm are all fun activities but letting ice build up in your townhome's roof gutters can lead to major headaches and unnecessar…

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Security Emergency Training for your HOA Staff
2005 Dec Emergency Training for your HOA Staff

Be Prepared" is not just a timeworn motto—it's a piece of advice that can save lives, property, and countless dollars. While the average person doesn't really think that they'll be a victim of a fire, flood, earthquake, or even a terrori…

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Security The Red Cross of New Jersey
2005 Dec The Red Cross of New Jersey

Whenever an unexpected crisis arises, be it a severe winter storm, a fire, or a national emergency like 9/11 or Hurricane Katrina, there's one constant—one symbol that people associate with beginning the struggle back to normalcy. That s…

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Neighborhoods A Profile of Montclair, New Jersey
2005 Dec A Profile of Montclair, New Jersey

In addition to a spectacular view of the New York City skyline, the town of Montclair, New Jersey can make another impressive geographic boast: it arose from the ashes of a volcanic ridge, known today as the Watchung Mountains. Perhaps…

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Organizations A Look Inside Arthur Edwards Inc.
2005 Dec A Look Inside Arthur Edwards Inc.

On the homepage of River Vale-based management company Arthur Edwards, Inc., a picture of a little boy in an oversized cowboy hat is placed above the question, "What can a cowboy hat teach us about Professional Management Relationships?"…

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