Q. My association has a long-standing resolution that requires all owners to have their dryer vents cleaned every other year, and to submit a receipt from the cleaning vendor to the management company. The resolution correctly identifies …

Q. My association has a long-standing resolution that requires all owners to have their dryer vents cleaned every other year, and to submit a receipt from the cleaning vendor to the management company. The resolution correctly identifies …
Q. What can be done when the president of the condo association verbally harasses the building’s superintendent? —Super Supporter A. “Board members of common interest communities can easily put …
Q. We have a member of the board of trustees of our co-op village who is a licensed realtor. Is he legally restricted from listing or selling units that are owned by the village, due to a conflict of interest? Also, is a board legally res…
Q. Our board has too often used confidentiality as a reason for making decisions and not informing the residents as to why. The latest was regarding our HOA insurance policy. Are HOA insurance policies confidential documents? If so, can…
Q. I’m a board member of my condo association here in New Jersey. All of our board members subscribe to your paper and always find it helpful. We are going to institute a pet registration form for dogs and cats and were thinking of asses…
Q. Can a current board member advertise his re-election, or go around knocking on each door and telling owners who to vote for? Is this legal? —Wondering If This Is Appropriate A. “Yes and yes,” says Jonathan H. Katz, a partner …
Q. I’d like to get the opinions of legal experts regarding boards that use the surveillance system to spy on residents they dislike, attempting to “catch” them at some behavior which may be against the building rules. So is it legal to sp…
Q. I pay HOA fees for landscaping. Not all areas of the development are the same—some streets just have ornamental trees and a minimal amount of leaves falling. My block is swamped with leaves on the ground that begin in September, but I …
Q. Our board and attorney amended some rules and regulations without sending a ballot to homeowners to vote in the changes. The attorney says the board has the right to change and amend as specified in the Radbun laws in New Jersey. Is th…
Q. In a board meeting, the owner of the management company told the board that I fired the plumbing company. The owner of the plumbing company asked for my name and phone number and the manager gave it to him. Is this legal? …