Category: Management

Management Seasonal Residents
2018 July Seasonal Residents

While most of us make do with just the one home, some are lucky enough to be able to escape less-than-favorable weather for second (or even third) homes in greener pastures. But while these fortunate folks winter in, say, the Florida Keys, …

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Management Continuing Education for Managers
2018 June Continuing Education for Managers

Perhaps more than any other profession within the co-op and condominium industry, managers experience the most frequent real-time challenges. Those challenges require managers to stay up-to-date with the latest innovations in the field – no…

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Management Managing Curb Appeal
2018 April Managing Curb Appeal

Attractiveness and so-called ‘curb appeal’ are both vital to a building or HOA’s sense of community pride and overall value. After all, it’s hard to attract prospective homebuyers if your association’s grounds are scattered with litter, the…

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Management Managing Distressed Properties
2018 April Managing Distressed Properties

While many of the co-ops, condos, and HOAs that struggled to stay solvent during the Great Recession of the mid-aughts have largely recovered, the truth is that regardless of the overall economic climate, there will always be buildings and …

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Management Property Management Software and Apps
2018 January Property Management Software and Apps

As anyone with a smartphone, tablet or laptop knows, technology makes life easier in countless ways. The management of co-op and condo properties is no different, with new digital tools emerging all the time to streamline, facilitate and im…

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Management The Limits of Board Powers
2018 January The Limits of Board Powers

It is not easy being a board member. There are meetings to attend, documents to review, decisions to make and neighbors to mollify. There are also a number of rules and regulations that must be followed in order to ensure that the individua…

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Management Board/Management Relations
2018 January Board/Management Relations

A condominium, cooperative or homeowners’ association thrives or falters based on how all of the various stakeholders involved can come together in effort to achieve a common goal: the maintenance of a successful and stable residential comm…

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Management Accessing Units
2018 January Accessing Units

Owning a unit in a multifamily co-op or condo carries a great many benefits in the form of shared responsibilities, but it also requires compromises along the lines of control: what your board, management, and building staff can or cannot d…

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Management Concierge Services
2018 January Concierge Services

Everyone can use a little help now and again. The residents of condominiums, co-ops or homeowners’ associations are no exception. There are tons of tasks that just cannot be left up to the board or residents, who are busy people themselves,…

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Management Working With Project Coordinators
2017 April Working With Project Coordinators

When a building, HOA or an individual apartment owner starts a big project, coordinating phases of work, construction schedules, and other logistics can seem like an extremely daunting task. It’s a lot to orchestrate and keep track of – so …

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