Category: Management

Management Park It, Buddy!
2015 April Park It, Buddy!

For those looking to move into a condo, there are myriad factors that come into play while searching for the best—and most efficient—place to live. Of course, location, size, and safety are always a concern. Amenities attract home seekers,…

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Management Homesharing in Co-ops, Condos & HOAs
2015 April Homesharing in Co-ops, Condos & HOAs

The media and political buzz surrounding so-called 'homeshare' or 'short-term rental' websites (primarily Airbnb, but also other similar services like and, just to name two) has been on the upswing over the last year …

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Management Boards Behaving Badly
2015 April Boards Behaving Badly

Most condo/HOA boards are made up of ordinary, well-meaning folks who volunteer for the relatively thankless job of running their association. They donate their time, expertise, and effort to make their community as functional, solvent, an…

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Management It's Tough Out There
2015 January It's Tough Out There

As the condo and HOA market continues to heal after the setback it experienced during the most recent financial crisis, many management firms and independent property managers are looking for ways to distinguish themselves from their colle…

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Management Get Smart
2015 January Get Smart

The most successful property managers realize they don't know everything. To achieve an optimal level of efficiency in the workplace, a manager must stay abreast of current legal developments, evolving building technology, and fresh commun…

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Management Mastering Management
2015 January Mastering Management

IIndividual commitment to a group effort; that's what makes a team work, a company work, a society work, a civilization work. Legendary Green Bay Packers football coach Vince Lombardi left condo boards and managers off his short list…

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Management Hiring New Management
2015 January Hiring New Management

There is an old saying that claims, “The more things change, the more they stay the same,” and that is not a happy thought for a board of directors or an association looking to change property management firms. The turmoil of replacing a m…

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Management Staff Management
2014 November Staff Management

Property managers know that whether they're running a small, contained walk-up building, a multi-unit high rise, or a sprawling condo development in the suburbs, materials, capital and personnel all fall under their administrative jurisdic…

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Management I Bid You Good Day
2014 October I Bid You Good Day

It only makes good business sense that if something goes wrong and needs fixing at a condo or co-op, the board or manager is going to do some due diligence to choose the correct contractor, and this is normally done by gathering bids. Afte…

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Management Multifamily Laundry Options
2014 May Multifamily Laundry Options

Ask people to list the household chores they dislike most, and chances are, doing laundry will consistently rank among the top ten. The need and appreciation for clean clothes gets overshadowed by the inconvenience of constantly having to …

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