Category: Law & Legislation

Law & Legislation Denying Access
2015 December Denying Access

The synopsis for the 2013 horror film The Purge is pretty extreme: in the future, society implements a 12-hour period called “the purge,” wherein any and all crime is legalized. Always wanted to vandalize your boss’s car? Thinking about sho…

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Law & Legislation The Neighbor Downstairs
2015 November The Neighbor Downstairs

We all hope for good neighbors when we move into a new building or community. The same is true for commercial properties in residential buildings. Making a good match, one that benefits both the commercial tenants and unit owners, can go a …

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Law & Legislation Going Overboard
2015 November Going Overboard

Condos and homeowner associations have made headlines over the years for passing all kinds of overreaching and downright silly rules and regulations—everything from forbidding the flying of the American flag to having prohibitions about han…

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Law & Legislation Avoiding Litigation
2015 June Avoiding Litigation

With dozens—and sometimes hundreds—of people living in a community governed by neighbors, acquaintances and friends, it should be no surprise that disputes occur in condo buildings from time to time. The possibility of disagreements …

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Law & Legislation Reducing Risks
2015 June Reducing Risks

For co-ops, condos, and HOAs, insurance premiums are some of those quiet necessities that tend to fly under the budgetary radar until it is time to examine the bottom line, provoking a search for savings. Without a doubt, insurance e…

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Law & Legislation Big Buildings, Big Boards
2015 June Big Buildings, Big Boards

The skyline is changing. For once, however, this statement is not regarding Manhattan’s. Indeed, to the west, North Jersey experiences its own transformation. Commuters have long fueled the real estate growth of places like Jersey Ci…

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Law & Legislation New Jersey 2015 Legislative Update
2015 June New Jersey 2015 Legislative Update

The second half of the 2014-2015 legislative session in Trenton is underway, and—as always—housing is on the agenda, with a large number of housing-related bills up for consideration. Some are directly targeted at the state’s condos …

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Law & Legislation Bad Apples
2015 April Bad Apples

On most occasions, HOAs and condo communities in New Jersey are not—as some would say—party central. Indeed, the wild, frenetic energy found in East Coast urban centers like Philadelphia and New York City is lacking. The generally quiet li…

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Law & Legislation No Doubts After Dublirer
2015 February No Doubts After Dublirer

Any good American citizen will likely say that they have always had a right to freedom of speech, probably since birth. It seems almost unfathomable that one would have relinquished freedom of speech along with a deposit check in exchange …

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