Category: Law & Legislation

Law & Legislation Breach of Fiduciary Duty
2006 Jun Breach of Fiduciary Duty

While a condominium owner owns his unit, and a shareholder in a cooperative owns shares of a corporation, there are a lot of aspects of their living situations that they can't control. If the elevator doesn't work, or the grass isn't bei…

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Law & Legislation Budgeting for Legal Costs
2006 Jun Budgeting for Legal Costs

For most people, the thought of legal fees and litigation costs are enough to cause heightened anxiety and maybe a heart palpitation or two. Consider that same scenario when it comes to board members in charge of the well-being of an ent…

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Law & Legislation New Political Leadership in Trenton
2006 Jun New Political Leadership in Trenton

There are new faces, a new two-year session, a new governor and a new General Assembly speaker in Trenton, and these changes may have repercussions for homeowner reforms, housing legislation and other quality-of-life issues. From CE…

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Law & Legislation Pet Rules and Restrictions
2005 Nov Pet Rules and Restrictions

It's a familiar covenant in most New Jersey leases. The rules and regulations allowing pets may differ from association to association but the gist is the same. If you live in a multi-unit building or community and you want to keep pets,…

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Law & Legislation Adhering to the Playground Code
2005 Aug Adhering to the Playground Code

When the weather is warm and the days are long, nothing says Summer like the sounds of neighborhood kids at play. There's safety to consider along with all the fun, however. While all fifty states have statutes on the books spelling…

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Law & Legislation Playing By the House Rules
2005 Jun Playing By the House Rules

If laws weren't made to be broken, they at least need to be amended once in a while. As a community's residents change—and the world in general changes around the community—yesterday's rules and bylaws can become outdated or no longer su…

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Law & Legislation Using Mediation Before Litigation
2005 Jun Using Mediation Before Litigation

When you're a homeowner living in an association environment, it's a good bet that at some point during your residence you are going to take issue with something that a neighbor is doing—or vice versa. Whether it be something small like …

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