Category: Board Operations

Board Operations Conducting Better Meetings
2019 July Conducting Better Meetings

Residents in condo, co-op  and HOA communities are frequently quite busy. Boards consist of elected volunteers who nearly always have other jobs and lives. So while a professional management company can relieve much of the day-to-day operat…

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Board Operations Access to  Documents
2019 May Access to Documents

Living in a co-op, condo or community association can simplify a lot: maintenance issues that keep single-family homeowners up at night aren’t a concern for condo dwellers, and there may even be a door person or concierge to sign for packag…

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Board Operations Managing Board Conflict
2019 February Managing Board Conflict

In a community association, it falls on the board to put out any fires that ignite among the property’s residents. But what happens when that blaze springs up between the board members themselves?  Those who volunteer to serve on their com…

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Board Operations Self-Management Strategies
2019 February Self-Management Strategies

One of the most important factors in the decision to purchase a condominium or co-op is lifestyle. Many who live in residential communities, particularly those in single-family HOAs, choose community living over a single-family home for the…

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Board Operations Board Demographics
2019 February Board Demographics

Volunteerism is arguably the bedrock of co-op and condominium communities. One buys into one or the other with the expectation of participating in the governance and operation of the property. Volunteering for board or committee service, th…

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Board Operations Board Optics
2019 February Board Optics

Community association and co-op boards typically consist of elected volunteers whose job is to serve the best interests of the community in day-to-day decisions both big and small. In an ideal world, every board would live and die by its fi…

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Board Operations Welcome Aboard
2019 January Welcome Aboard

Little in life is more nerve wracking than that first day on a new job: ‘Are you prepared to do this?’ ‘Are you even qualified to do this?’ ‘Is your shirt buttoned correctly?’ ‘It is, right?’ ‘Why does it look wrong?’ ‘Should you change you…

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Board Operations Handling Conflicts
2018 November Handling Conflicts

Condo, co-op and HOA communities are made up of people – and people aren’t perfect. Within a community association, squabbles are inevitably going to break out between unit owners. Oftentimes these problems will be resolved relatively easil…

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Board Operations Board Culture
2018 October Board Culture

A condominium, cooperative or homeowners’ association is only as efficient as the elected board that oversees its day-to-day operations. Considering how difficult it can be to find time for family, leisure, and sleep amid work and assorted …

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Board Operations Working With Your Support Professionals
2018 October Working With Your Support Professionals

Attorneys and community association managers can be a godsend for the board of a co-op, condominium or HOA. Most boards consist of volunteers who usually have quite busy external lives themselves, so having an experienced professional on th…

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