Category: Management

Management Boom Busted
2010 Jan Boom Busted

 From 2002 to 2007 and beyond, condo construction in New Jersey reached heights  never seen before. Much of it was in the “Gold Coast,” in towns like Hoboken and Jersey City and up into Bergen County. Indeed, a New  York Times article by A…

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Management Distress Signals
2010 Jan Distress Signals

 When realtor Sean Carroll went out looking at homes with a prospective buyer not  so many months ago, it didn't take long to find a property that fit exactly  what the buyer was looking for. When Carroll put his client's offer in however,…

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Management To Be Managed - or Self-Managed?
2010 Jan To Be Managed - or Self-Managed?

 While the majority of condo and HOA communities in New Jersey hire professional  management firms to handle their day-to-day operations, many others choose to  go the self-managed route, which can include hiring on-site staff or having  r…

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Management I Said Order!
2010 Jan I Said Order!

 Ever feel like your board meetings last longer than Wagner's Ring Cycle operas?  They certainly don’t last nine hours, but even three hours can be a long time to sit in a chair,  especially when the score doesn’t include the Flight of the…

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Management Make My Day
2010 Jan Make My Day

There’s a scene in the classic film Dirty Harry in which the eponymous detective, played iconically by Clint Eastwood, is called off the main case in order to stop a would-be suicide from jumping from a tall building. After this succes…

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Management Hiring and Keeping a Good Superintendent
2009 May Hiring and Keeping a Good Superintendent

When you think about the most important person to a building or association, the superintendent should rank pretty high up on the list, if not right at the top. Let’s face it, an association or building’s super has a tremendous amount o…

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Management Managing for Recreation
2007 May Managing for Recreation

Every community has certain amenities or assets that residents value highly. In some communities, those features are extra parking areas, bike paths or "tot lots." In others, golf courses and restaurants are the way communities identify …

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Management Managing Alterations and Renovations
2007 Jan Managing Alterations and Renovations

Let's say the guy down the street is a sucker for all things medieval. On weekends, he dresses up in armor and whacks other armored men with clubs. Sometimes he even jousts. You get the idea. Now let's say this same fellow wants his…

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Management Licensing for Professionals
2007 Jan Licensing for Professionals

When it comes to dealing with the myriad professionals who help make a co-op or condo association run smoothly, licensing can be a significant umbrella protecting board members and residents alike from potential problems. Choosing a lice…

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