Category: Finance

Finance Board Financial Planning
2006 Jul Board Financial Planning

There are times when even prudence, foresight and good planning, cannot prevent significant and unforeseen challenges, and circumstances occur which are beyond a board's control. This article identifies some of these situations, and prov…

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Finance How Much Co-op or Condo Can You Afford?
2006 Jul How Much Co-op or Condo Can You Afford?

Prices of most co-ops and condominiums in the New York metropolitan area—which nowadays extends as far west as eastern Pennsylvania and as far south as the lower Jersey shore—have reached stratospheric proportions. In once-blighted urban…

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Finance Borrowing Smart
2006 Jul Borrowing Smart

Sue Stevens became president of her Arlington, Texas homeowners association in 2003, one of her first orders of duty was solving a vital security issue to the residents—how to protect their homes, which were highly visible from several m…

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Finance Making Association Budgets Work for You
2006 Jul Making Association Budgets Work for You

Just as no household can function without a good, sound budget, neither can a homeowner's association. Creating and maintaining a budget that can guide a condo community through an entire year's worth of finances is one of the most impor…

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Finance Raising Maintenance Fees
2006 Jul Raising Maintenance Fees

They say the only two inevitable things in life are death and taxes. Well, for condo and co-op owners you can add a third—maintenance fees. As long as roofs are going to have to be repaired, snow is going to have to be plowed, and g…

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Finance Court Upholds Case Against Cape May Condo
2006 May Court Upholds Case Against Cape May Condo

A New Jersey appellate court recently upheld a trial court's refusal to force condo unit owners to pay an assessment levied to cover the replacement of sliding glass doors in each of an HOA's units. In the case of Regent Beach Condominiu…

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Finance Cutting Budget Waste
2005 Jul Cutting Budget Waste

In any business, much of the decision-making process is based on the bottom line—is there more money coming in or going out? How do this year's profits compare with last year's? Are we getting the best deals from suppliers and vendors? …

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Finance Making the Case for Reserve Studies
2005 Jul Making the Case for Reserve Studies

In the archives of sound financial advice, saving for a rainy day is a titan, right up there with never bet your last dollar on a horse race, or any other sage old saying. For the good health of any organization, having enough cash in re…

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Finance New Jersey's Property Tax Reform Process
2005 Jul New Jersey's Property Tax Reform Process

Most homeowners love complaining about their property tax bills almost as much as they despise paying them. The issue is always on the minds of New Jersey's homeowners, and has been for some time. New Jersey has been studying property …

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Finance Transfer Fees or Resale Contributions
2005 Jul Transfer Fees or Resale Contributions

In New York City, many co-ops and condos use a practice called a "flip tax" in order to boost building revenue. A flip tax is a fee paid either by the purchaser or seller that goes back to the co-op or condo each time an apartment is sol…

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