There is nothing more uncomfortable during a harsh Mid-Atlantic winter than having windows that are inoperable or that are so cracked, damaged and poorly sealed that the cold air just streams in unabated. Drafty windows mean energy …

There is nothing more uncomfortable during a harsh Mid-Atlantic winter than having windows that are inoperable or that are so cracked, damaged and poorly sealed that the cold air just streams in unabated. Drafty windows mean energy …
Nature's elements can take a toll on almost anything man-made, particularly exterior surfaces like fences, decks, and siding materials. Given the temperamental seasons here in the tri-state area, it's important to consider not just aesth…
Everyone needs a good roof over their head. And when you run a condo or co-op community, you're responsible for dozens or perhaps hundreds of people having one. With so many people to please and the increased complexity of roofing an ent…
Your kitchen—It's the hearth, the center of your home. You eat there, you drink there, you prepare meals, and even midnight snacks there. It is a gathering place for family and friends and where many of the rituals of daily life occur. …
There is a common misconception that legal costs are fixed and that lawyers should be treated differently than other vendors who are subject to the rules and requirements of a competitive bid process. Not so, says James A. Judge, Esq., a…
Running a condo or co-op association is a lot like owning your own home, but on a much larger scale. Like with any home, needs for various repairs come up from time to time. But unlike an individual homeowner, development managers c…
When we think of product warranties, most of us think of the standard green registration cards that are found inside the box with the product alongside the operating instructions. We can register our new purchase by filling out the card …
It was comedian Jackie Mason who said," I have enough money to last me the rest of my life—unless I buy something." Mason was making a joke, but if your homeowners association isn't adept at managing its books, it might also be an unplea…
According to a recent poll of 1,000 consumers conducted by telecommunications company Frontier, p rivacy concerns around smart home tech devices are on the rise. Sixty percent of respondents to the poll reported being “very” or “extremel…
As Budgeting Season approaches for co-op and condo communities, it’s time for the boards of associations and corporations to consider how they will cover expenses and fund projects in the coming year and beyond. While recurring operating ex…