Category: Design

Design Bloom Times
Bloom Times

“It looks like a photo from a magazine!” is the exclamation many a manager, broker, potential buyer and board president have made upon stepping into an otherwise generic lobby and seeing a new, eye-popping floral arrangement brightening up …

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Design What's Out Front on Lobby Design
What's Out Front on Lobby Design

With 2020 finally behind us, co-op shareholders and condominium owners are looking forward - and their boards are seeking to make improvements and changes that reflect both the crises of the past year and issues put on hold as the pandemic …

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Design Design by Committee
2019 July Design by Committee

Every member of a community association has a vested interest in the appearance of his or her property, both inside and out. Residents see the inside of their building every day, so it matters that it’s visually appealing. Equally important…

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Design Basement Rooms
2018 May Basement Rooms

Architecture and design have changed a lot over the years. Considerations for ‘what-goes-where,’ are very different now than say, back in the Roaring Twenties, when so much of the region’s housing stock – and hence a large proportion of tod…

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Design Residential Architecture Trends
2018 May Residential Architecture Trends

Through the ages, architecture and design have been symbols of evolution and change within societies. From the grandeur of the ancient world, to the Baroque and Romanesque masterpieces of the late Renaissance, and to the towering fancies of…

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Design The Value of Redecorating
2018 May The Value of Redecorating

There are plenty of reasons why a condominium, co-op or homeowners’ association might see fit to spruce up its common areas. Dated décor, seasonal inspiration, excess cash on-hand, or just sheer boredom with the current look all come to min…

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Design Recreational Amenities for Kids
2016 October Recreational Amenities for Kids

As times change and we encounter life’s transitions, many of the things we once desired take on new forms and shapes. None of those transitions is quite as profound as starting—and raising—a family, and for co-op and condo owners who are al…

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Design Horticultural Art in Your Lobby
2016 September Horticultural Art in Your Lobby

A green wall in a residential space is like having both an indoor garden and piece of art all rolled into one—and you don’t even have to travel far to a botanical garden or a museum to experience it.  It’s a currently a very popular trend i…

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Design Well-Appointed Common Spaces
2016 August Well-Appointed Common Spaces

Just as the ways in which we socialize have changed in recent years, so too have the spaces in which that socializing has traditionally been done. Common spaces and amenities in multifamily buildings and condo associations have evolved to s…

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Design Design Committees
2016 May Design Committees

When you lived alone, designing your space was easy. You went to the paint store, selected your favorite colors, came home and did the deed. But then you got married, and decorating got a little trickier. Every design decision had to get ap…

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