The Cooperator Events Presents: Lessons Learned - Virtual Meetings, Electronic Elections, & What Radburn Means to Your HOA A Virtual Town Hall Sponsored by: Taylor Management Company, Mirra & Associates LLC, Hill Wallack LLP

The Cooperator Events Presents: Lessons Learned - Virtual Meetings, Electronic Elections, & What Radburn Means to Your HOA

The Cooperator Events Presents a Virtual Town Hall: Lessons Learned - Virtual Meetings, Electronic Elections, & What Radburn Means to Your HOA. Sponsored by, Taylor Management Company, Mirra & Associates LLC,  Hill Wallack LLP.

Thursday Dec 3, 2020 at 1:30PM


The ongoing pandemic has raised serious questions about how boards can conduct business and residents can participate in the governance of their communities while social distancing. This informative webinar will offer professional advice and clarity on everything from setting up remote meetings to implementing electronic voting, to tabulating results - including an overview of the laws and regulations governing such measures, and lessons learned from implementing the new Radburn guidelines. Panelists will discuss how communities can meet challenges around connectivity and web access to ensure that all community members are able to participate fully, and what to look for when your community is seeking help with your own election process.  


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