—Keeping It Above Board
“Instead, the letter writer must review the proprietary lease to determine the respective maintenance obligations of shareholders and the corporation. Some co-op buildings may include windows as part of the apartment unit and require shareholders to maintain them at each shareholder's individual expense while others may exclude windows from the apartment unit and require that they be maintained by the corporation as a common expense (per share basis). Still other buildings may require that the corporation maintain the windows but that the individually affected shareholders pay the cost of such maintenance. There may be other important reasons as to why the condo board has proceeded with window repair and replacement in this manner, but as a board member the letter writer should ensure he/she understands this process. Admittedly, reading and interpreting a proprietary lease to determine what it requires in each instance may not be easy. If a board believes that the proprietary lease is unclear in some way, or is unsure if it is enforcing the proprietary lease correctly, it may want to seek advice from the corporation's legal counsel.”
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