Water Leak Woes
The super & assistant super came up & advised that the leakage was caused by a defective coil in the heating/air conditioning unit behind my sofa. They turned off the heat in the unit. I was told that the building is responsible for the heating coil & it will be replaced this week or next week. They also informed me that the building is not responsible for my new floor, but would have been for the original parquet floor. I cannot find anything pertaining to the building's responsibility in the bylaws. Because the floor has interlocking slats & goes through 3 interconnecting rooms, I think the entire floor has to be replaced. I have a $500 deductible on my insurance & presumably my premium would go up with such a claim.
I would appreciate your help in advising me how to proceed & who to contact.Thank you so much for your time & interest.
—Waterlogged in West Orange
“The reader did mention above that she was concerned about having the claim on her record. I would recommend having the flooring contractor come back and see what it will cost for the repairs before notifying her insurance company. This may be something she can cover out of pocket, since her policy would have a deductible and it may work out better in the long run than having a surcharge on her policy for a claim, or even worse being non-renewed.
“Ultimately it may come down to filing a claim, and that may not be the worst case scenario. This is the reason why she has the insurance, to cover claims to what is her responsibility within the unit. If this is her first claim and she has a clean loss history, it may not be an issue. There could be more damage than the eye can see and it would be best to have it done right the first time.”
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