Page 12 - CooperatorNews New Jersey Spring 2022
P. 12

12 COOPERATORNEWS NEW JERSEY   —SPRING 2022  NJ.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  TRENDS  The ‘3 Greens’ of Landscaping:  Plants, Money, & Sustainability   BY DARCEY GERSTEIN  In multifamily properties, different  tain and least ecologically efficient and/or  tation.” The National Wildlife Federation   households share in the use, visual en-  joyment, and enhanced property value   of landscaped outdoor elements. That   means  that a  lot  of  consideration  goes  cal, diversity is best. Having a combina-  into deciding what and where to plant,  tion of softscape (plantings and grasses)  tive to your area.    how to maintain it, and how much to  and  hardscape  (concrete,  paving,  turf)   spend on it all. These considerations can  creates visual appeal and can differenti-  be summed up as the ‘Three Greens’: the  ate outdoor spaces for a variety of uses.  of the Illinois Landscape Contractors As-  vitality and vibrancy of lawns and other  A carefully planned landscape can also  sociation (ILCA), contends that an inte-  plantings—their literal greenness—the  maximize water run-off and absorption,  grated landscape approach will also be-  dollars that condos and co-ops invest to  take advantage of sun and shade, make  come a more sustainable system. Where  thing everyone can do right now.”  design, install, and maintain these areas;  use of otherwise dead space, and account  plants are dying or struggling, he says,   and the ecological factors that determine  for seasonality—a particularly impor-  the best practices, placements, and prod-  ucts that use the least resources and have  change and the severe weather events it  has further negative consequences for  can have big payoffs for the long-term   the best environmental impacts.  The three greens of landscaping must   be  considered simultaneously to  maxi-  mize each. For example, an association  both maintenance and sustainability ben-  with a limited landscaping budget might  efits. According to Steven Yergeau, Agri-  think that skimping on mulch will save  culture and Natural Resources Agent for  in the soil. The soil becomes barren, in a  meable pavers, for example, requires less   them money—but the right type of mulch  Ocean and Atlantic Counties and mem-  in the right amounts is important for soil  ber of the New Jersey Landscape Contrac-  health, water conservation,  and weed  tors Association (NJLCA), “Native plants  with any organic system, the less need for  land available for other uses. A thoughtful   mitigation, according to the pros. Simi-  larly,  a  community  with  ample  grounds  vegetation into yards for clients who are  more likely to thrive on their own in the  add value and desirability for a commu-  might think that laying a bunch of sod for  environmentally minded. Native plants  conditions natural to the region, requir-  sprawling lawns might be the right way to  are adapted to local climate and soil con-  ‘green’—but this type of landscape might  ditions, requiring less watering, fertiliz-  actually be the least cost effective to main-  beneficial.  Mix It Up  Generally, as with most things biologi-  tant consideration in the face of climate  the need for chemical applications. This  erty’s landscape design or maintenance   can bring to all regions.   Similarly, mixing in plants native to the  “When you put down herbicides, for ex-  region where they’re being planted has  ample,” says Lupfer, “you kill not only the  what might seem like a costly change or   are a good way to incorporate sustainable  intervention, the better. Native plants are  plan for an underused outdoor space can   ers, and pesticides than non-native vege-  has launched a Native Plant Finder on its  by going green is to control irrigation.   website:  Lupfer estimates that watering plants and   Enter your zip code, and find all the flow-  ers, grasses, trees, and shrubs that are na-  Tom Lupfer, owner of Lupfer Land-  scaping in Lyons, Illinois, and member  time, and require little to no initial finan-  pests tend to proliferate, which increases   the health and vitality of the landscape.  financial and physical success of the as-  harmful elements, but many of the bene-  ficial microbes that foster life and growth  cussions for the future. Investing in per-  way, and has to be supplemented artifi-  cially, which means more chemicals.” As  ponds or drains, notes Lupfer, leaving that   ing fewer chemicals, less watering, and  exponential.   less impact.   Go for Low Maintenance   A sustainable landscape is one that   minimizes use of non-renewable resourc-  es, according to the Environmental Pro-  tection Agency (EPA). The less we can ap-  ply chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides, and   even water to our manicured environ-  ments, the better it is for both our planet   and our pocketbook. These resources are   not only expensive, but their overuse can   have negative effects on the environment   and our health.   The move to a sustainable landscape   need not be immediate, nor need it be an   extreme overhaul of an existing plan. “The   whole goal of moving toward sustain-  ability is to subtly change it into a more   vibrant-looking landscape  and  create  a   healthier environment,” Lupfer says. “It   should be a process of transitioning from   a traditional landscape to a more sustain-  able one. A healthier landscape means   that plants don’t need as much attention,   since they are growing as they should   and are not afflicted by disease and don’t   need artificial food to keep them alive and   flourishing.”  One quick and easy way to save green   grasses only as needed, rather than using   a timer or other automatic schedule, can   save 60% to 70% percent on water bills.   These savings can really add up over   cial output. “You don’t have to put in new   systems  or  spend  any  money  up  front,”   he advises of this practice. “This is some-   Look Toward the Future   Even a small investment into a prop-  sociation or corporation. Concomitantly,   addition now might have positive reper-  land for drainage solutions like retention   nity and its homeowners. The benefits are    Making landscaping decisions that   continued on page 25 

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