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NJ.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  COOPERATORNEWS NEW JERSEY   —EXPO 2021   29  CP SIDE 2  Natu  $  2  BATHROOMS • KITCHENS • DOORS • WINDOWS  Kitchen Caulking  Bath Caulking  Door Caulking  Window Caulking  Pool Caulking  Artist Direct or Solo Proof - NOT PRESS READY  CP SIDE 2  908-214-7015  Natural Stone Tile & Countertop Sealing  $  20 OFF  Natural Stone   Sealing Project  BATHROOMS • KITCHENS • DOORS • WINDOWS • MASONRY • POOL DECKS & MORE  Kitchen Caulking  Bath Caulking  Door Caulking  Window Caulking  Pool Caulking  Artist Direct or Solo Proof - NOT PRESS READY  RESIDENTIAL AND   RESIDENTIAL AND   COMMERCIAL PROPERTY TY   COMMERCIAL PROPER  CAULKINGULKING  CA  BATHROOMS • KITCHENS • DOORS • WINDOWS •  MASONRY THROOMS • KITCHENS • DOORS • WINDOWS •  MASONRY   BA  EXPANSION JOINTS • WALKWAYSANSION JOINTS • WALKWAYS • POOL DECKS & MORE • POOL DECKS & MORE  EXP  908-647-1545  License number #13VH11610200 fully insured  recommendations directly from them—but  go out to bid unless things aren’t going well.”   from  their  cousin’s  cousin,  not  so  much.  If  In fact, those relationships benefit from their   they have the proper background, it’s one  longevity, where institutional knowledge, per-  thing. If not, it typically doesn’t work out well.”  Bid Farewell?  All of this may beg the question: does ev-  ery contract or project need to be bid out?   According to Richard Brooks, a partner at the   law firm of Marcus, Errico, Emmer, & Brooks   in Braintree, Massachusetts, the short answer  can solicit and analyze bids as efficiently as   is no—at least not legally speaking. He says  buildings with managers. He says, “Don’t be   it’s really more an exercise in common sense.  afraid to bring in the expertise of an engineer   Small jobs often don’t merit taking the time  or architect if necessary. If not, be as detailed   and effort to solicit multiple bids, and in an  as possible to get a contract that meets your   emergency situation, obtaining bids just isn’t  expectations. Meet with the contractors on   practical.   Cutolo agrees, though he does add that  pectations. Communicate the details. Com-  “while the body of law does not address the  munication is the key.”  competitive bidding of contractor vendors,   it’s my opinion that the best practice for com-  munities depends on the circumstances. As a   general practice, it is wise to solicit multiple   bids when the board is seeking to contract   with a vendor. However, where a project is   emergent, it is not always reasonable to solicit   bids,” he says. “Due to the time-sensitive na-  ture of emergent projects, such as remediating   water intrusion, it may be necessary for the as-  sociation to enter into a contract immediately.   To ensure the health, safety, and welfare of the   community, the association may not have the   time to solicit numerous bids.”  Brooks adds that when it comes to longer-  term contractual relationships like with a   manager or an attorney, “there’s no reason to   sonal comfort, and familiarity with the prop-  erty have value that likely outweighs saving a   few bucks by switching to a different provider.   What if your Association    Is Self-Managed?  Wolf suggests that self-managed buildings   site and walk through and express your ex-  What to Watch Out For  “Be suspicious if a price is much lower for   one contractor than the others,” says Wolf.   “There’s something wrong there. In today’s   market, if they say they can start tomorrow,   ask why, because it’s just impossible today. If   they say they have an opening because of a   cancellation, be careful. It can be a problem.   If they pull up in a landscaping vehicle to do a   roofing job, it’s a problem. Always ask if they   actually have insurance. It’s very important.   Your association doesn’t have coverage for   hiring an uninsured contractor.”                       n  A J Sidransky is a staff writer/reporter for    CooperatorNews, and a published novelist.   See us at Booth 201

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