Page 14 - CooperatorNews New Jersey Fall 2021
P. 14

 —FALL 2021 
(201) 343-4424          
American Architectural Restoration 
real property and/or the personal estate. 
William D. McCracken, a partner with  get the repairs done. It’s also used in in- 
Manhattan-based law  fi rm  Ganfer  Shore  stances where a property can’t operate  
Leeds & Zauderer, defi nes receivership as  because of dysfunction, or lack of formal  
follows: “A receiver, most broadly, is an  organization.” Barnett also cites a small  
offi  cer of the court appointed to step into  association in Dorchester, Massachusetts.  
the  shoes  of  an  owner  or  other  interest- 
ed party. Th  ey are appointed for various  been paying invoices as they came in, so  
reasons, but usually it’s when the current  the court instituted a receivership.”  
owner or steward of the property is put- 
ting the value of property at risk.” Th  e re- 
ceiver could be requested by a creditor, a  ruptcy  protection.  He represented the  
group of tenant shareholders, or even an  management company. “Sometimes there  
individual owner. Th  ey will petition the  are such problems that the court says we  
court to appoint a temporary receiver to  need to get things on track to straighten  
put everything at the property on an even  things out, so let’s bring in a receiver. In  
Acco r din g  
to Jennifer Bar- 
nett, a partner  
Errico Emmer  
& Brooks, a law  
fi rm  located  in  
Braintree, Mas- 
sachusetts, “Th  e  
appointment of  
a receiver is to  
preserve assets  
for all parties  
who have an interest in it.” She adds that  tion may suggest otherwise. Receivers  
it’s only used where it appears that in its  themselves are appointed by the court,  
absence, the property would be subject to  and answer only to the court. Th  ey aren’t  
damaging waste or loss. 
When Is a Receivership Used? 
Receivership is designed to rescue  or outcome. Th  at being said, however,  
real property from irresponsible man- 
agement—whether intentional or unin- 
tentional. “Somebody has to take control  man frailties. Many attorneys are reluc- 
when you’re in a diffi  cult situation,” says  tant to push for receivership out of fears  
Scott Piekarsky, an attorney with Phil- 
lips Nizer, located in Hackensack. “When  than the entity that caused the problem.  
a property has no money—if funds were  Receivership fees can be high as well—so  
stolen, for instance—vendors can’t be  it’s not always a simple solution.  
paid, maybe there’s no manager, and no  
insurance coverage due to a lapsed poli- 
cy because the premium wasn’t paid. A  the board isn’t protecting the value of the  
mechanism is necessary to stabilize the  property, the appointment of a receiver  
property for the health and safety of resi- 
dents, and to rescue a situation. Th  at’s  board. If a receiver does step in, they do  
when a receivership is necessary.” 
“Sometimes a receivership can be used  temporarily. Once appointed, the receiver  
when dealing with a corrupt co-op board,”  would make the decisions on whether to  
adds McCracken. “We have had occasions  keep the managing agent, the corpora- 
where the best solution is a receiver. For  tion’s legal counsel, and so forth.   
instance, a co-op board controlled by an  
entity who’s not looking out for co-op”— 
perhaps a sponsor or investor—“and there  where most of the control of a receivership  
is no other alternative other than to seek a  is based, says McCracken. “To the best of  
receiver. It’s a drastic remedy.” 
“It’s appropriate when a property can’t  makes sense where there is a substantial  
be run eff ectively and something is need- 
ed to operate the building,” says Barnett.  newly formed condominiums.” 
On a more micro level, she says, “I’ve seen  
it brought against unit owners with seri- 
ous problems like hoarding, bedbugs, etc.”  plains that a receiver might be appointed  
Barnett also recalls a situation in which  
a municipality brought action against an  
association over lack of elevator repairs.  
“Th  e association said they didn’t have  
money to do repairs,” she  says. “We got  
them to the table with a receivership to  
“No bills were getting paid. Th  e client had  
Piekarsky recounts a case some years  
ago where an association fi led for bank- 
New Jersey this is  
known as a ‘special  
fi scal agent.’ We  
got the property  
on track in a year’s  
time, and then had  
new elections for a  
new board.”   
One  important  
factor to keep in  
mind is that receiv- 
ership  is  designed  
to  be  impartial— 
though its reputa- 
beholden to any other interested party  
which might seek to infl uence the process  
receivers, like those who send properties  
into fi nancial turmoil, are subject to hu- 
that the receiver will be no more honest  
Co-ops vs. Condos 
If you are a shareholder in a co-op and  
may be an improvement over the current  
so as a replacement for the board, at least  
In a condominium it’s harder. A condo  
board doesn’t control the real property  
my knowledge, for a condo a receiver only  
block of unsold units—as in newly built or  
Th  e other question is: who are you ap- 
pointing a receiver for? McCracken ex- 
continued from page 1 
“Sometimes there are such  
problems that the court says  
we need to get things on track  
to straighten things out, so  
let’s bring in a receiver.”                                           
                  —Scott Piekarsky 
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