Page 6 - NJ Cooperator Spring 2020
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6 THE NEW JERSEY COOPERATOR   —SPRING 2020  NJCOOPERATOR.COM  INSURANCE  Insurance is cyclical; there are hard mar-  kets and soft markets, and insurance com-  panies typically make money in two ways:  They also tighten their guidelines to try and   underwriting profit, and investment income.  write only preferred risks, which limits the   When the market is soft, insurance compa-  nies are looking for market share, so they  tion can get a quote from. Sometimes they   lower their premiums and relax their un-  derwriting guidelines, which allows them  matters  worse,  some  carriers  or  programs   to write more business. New carriers or  simply stop writing insurance during this   programs enter the marketplace and charge  time, so there are fewer options for commu-  lower premiums to gain market share, which  nity associations.   reduces premiums further. Insurance com-  panies can afford to charge lower premiums,   as they typically are making a nice bang for  market, one of the worst I have seen in my   their buck via investments.   In a hard market, it is the opposite. When  What is contributing to this?  the market is hard, insurance companies are   not making money by investments, and loss-  es start adding up. This makes them unprof-  itable at the premiums they are charging, so   to become profitable, they raise premiums.   number of companies the “average” associa-  add exclusions to restrict coverage. To make   Hard Times  We  are  currently  in  a  full-blown  hard   25 years of being in the insurance industry.   In  the property arena, natural disasters   such as hailstorms in the South and Mid-  west, wildfires in California, various hurri-  canes, flood and water issues in a number  when they are), the property owner is held   of states have resulted in billions of dollars  responsible – and the judgments can be as-  in losses for insurance companies. Because  tronomical, easily reaching seven figures.   of this, they are purchasing more reinsur-  ance – which is insurance that insurance  panies we deal with recently indicated that in   companies  buy.  So  if  there  is  a  building  just the past seven years, they have had more   insured for $50M, an insurance company  labor law claims  that  have  exhausted the   may not want to take on the full exposure,  $1M policy limit than they had in the pre-  so they may only directly insure $25M of  vious 40 years combined. Also, in response   it, and will purchase the other $25M from  to grim social trends, active shooter claims   a reinsurance company. Currently, they are  have increased dramatically.    unwilling to use their own capital, so they   are purchasing more reinsurance – and so   the reinsurance costs have increased.   In  addition, the  replacement  cost  of  Whereas rates used to be extremely low for   building materials like brick, wood, ce-  ment, etc. has increased. Insurance com-  panies are looking closer at what the actual  have had difficulty renewing their programs   replacement cost of a building is, and are  at rates anywhere near expiring. In addi-  finding that many buildings are underin-  sured. Whereas this may have been OK in  so what was $100M limit last year may be   the past, as the thought process may have  $50M this year, at a higher cost. One of the   been that total destruction was unlikely –  largest program managers has been offering   especially on multi-building complexes or  renewal quotes on umbrellas that are about   fire-resistant buildings – now companies  400% higher!  are requiring buildings to be insured to   their full replacement value. They also have  Underwriting Officer of New Empire Group,   more accurate software these days that can  a program manager specializing in commer-  better determine the actual replacement  cial umbrellas for community associations,   cost. So property limits are increasing.   Liability and Labor Law  Reinsurance is just one component  who are still around are raising rates by leaps   contributing to the current hard market.  and bounds. Others are exiting the market   In the liability arena, slip-and-fall verdicts  entirely. The long and short of it is that the   continue to rise – and some carriers are not  umbrella market rates are starting to rise,   writing in certain jurisdictions anymore,  and may eventually get to the level of the   because while a property itself may be an  standard market rates that have traditionally   excellent risk, the jurisdiction it’s located in  been for larger or tougher-to-place risks.”   may be unappealing for less tangible reasons.   An underwriter from one of the insurance  to $1,000 per million of coverage. These days   companies we use indicated that “continued  a 100-unit building can get a $100M umbrel-  multimillion-dollar judgments driven by  la policy for $5,000 to $6,000. Imagine only   sympathetic juries and social inflation – de-  fined generally as rising costs of insurance   claims resulting from societal trends and  insureds are shopping – or ‘remarketing,’ in   views toward increased litigation – broader  industry parlance – their insurance. Both   contract interpretations, plaintiff-friendly  standard and wholesale carriers are seeing   legal decisions, and larger jury awards are  increased submissions. One underwriter I   all playing a large role in carriers increasing  spoke with said the submissions she has re-  premiums.”    In addition, in some markets labor laws  few months, and she’s overwhelmed. This is   are extremely unfriendly towards property  allowing underwriters to be more selective   owners, who are almost always held respon-  sible for injury to a contractor or employee   of the property. Unless all I’s are dotted and  kets are willing to provide a quote, insureds   all T’s are crossed (and sometimes even   The president of one of the insurance com-  It’s Hard Out There...  Market conditions are wreaking havoc   in the commercial umbrella arena as well.   high-limit  umbrellas  of  $100M  or  $200M,   the risk purchasing groups that write them   tion, some of the programs are losing layers,   According to Robert G. Mackoul, Chief   “Judgments...are getting larger and larger,   and  carriers  are  running  scared.  The  ones   Standard market rates are generally $500   being able to get $10M for that same cost?  Because premiums are increasing, more   ceived are up approximately 30% in the last   in their risk selection.    In addition, because less standard mar-  Parsing the Insurance Market  Understanding What the Current Cycle Means to You   BY EDWARD J. MACKOUL   continued on page 18 

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