Page 17 - New Jersey Cooperator January 2019
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NJCOOPERATOR.COM THE NEW JERSEY COOPERATOR — JANUARY 2019 17 morning for years; we may encourage them to re-clean in the evenings as well, since residents coming home from work or er- rands may want to enter a pristine build- ing, regardless of time of day. We also make sure that all rubbish and recycling is prop- erly managed. If needed, we will prepare a detailed hour-by-hour job description which staff can easily follow to make sure all areas of concern are being addressed. “We also recommend that the super come to the board meetings to discuss maintenance and operations. The super is best prepared to answer questions on maintenance issues regarding specific apartments. The super should also be in- volved in which capital projects are being considered. Their knowledge and insight is critical as to which project must be ad- dressed and which can be held until the subsequent year. “Having an experienced and capable su- per can save a building thousands of dollars in repair costs. If repairs can be handled in-house, that will benefit the owners. For example, if a super can replace a shower body and install bath tiles, the association can avoid hiring a plumber and contractor. Similarly, a super who can make boiler or burner repairs is in high demand.” Marian Servidio, Owner of the Park Place Management Company in South Burl- ington, Vermont: “We actually don’t have a support staff per se. But for new owners, we send out a welcome letter and a list of information on how to operate their thermostat, who to call for what particular service, and that type of thing. Then, we have Community Associations Institute (CAI) information about the various officers’ positions which we circulate to board members, and offer to host an orientation meeting for any new or incoming board members that require guidance.” n Mike Odenthal is a staff writer/reporter with The New Jersey Cooperator. WELCOME... continued from page 15 association documents specifically pro- hibit that. “Some argue that, if elected by the community, the concern ends there, because the people have spoken,” says Daddario. “But I believe that it depends on the circumstances. In any event, if a community finds \\\[non-resident board members\\\] to present a problem, amend- ment of the governing documents pres- ents a straightforward solution. If the amendment passes by requisite vote of the owners, then residency can become a qualification for serving on the board.” And again, residents should scruti- nize all candidates for the board based on what they plan to do for the community at-large, regardless as to whether they live in 3C or Boca Raton. “The communi- ty should vote for board members whom they respect and feel will look out for the best interests of the entire community, regardless as to whether they reside in said community or not,” says Bergenfeld. “Look at the experience of the individual and what that person brings to the table. Does the person have adequate time to serve? Do they have relevant experience? (Although the latter is not necessarily es- sential). Will the person serve the best interests of the community? All of those things are important to the residents and for a board member, more so than where that board member resides.” n Mike Odenthal is a staff writer/reporter for The New Jersey Cooperator. they used to use. This vinyl has a bet- ter transmission loss factor than lead to eliminate sound, and it’s only an 1/8th of an inch thick.” But what if your building is already up, and the sound just keeps on com- ing? Marsh suggests that you can either put up a false wall between your place and the next apartment, which could cost you a few square inches of space. But she says that may be well worth it for a good night’s sleep. Or you could build a closet along the offending wall and use it to store clothes and toys, sure to absorb the sound. She relates one client who’s neigh- bor had a very regular schedule for his “personal life.” Saturday morning comes once a week, as the adage says. The neighbor was like clockwork, and very noisy. Marsh suggested adding a false wall, which would have absorbed the sound. Ultimately, the client chose to do nothing. Perhaps the neighbor changed his schedule. What’s New and Improving? “More innovative sound control products have been patented in the last few years than ever before,” says Schnitta. “Before where there wasn’t a solution; now we have one. A good example is a type of pad that if you put this down be- SOUNDPROOFING... continued from page 13 fore you pour concrete for a foundation, it will inhibit subway noise if there is one nearby. Knowing that resiliency is an im- portant piece of the solution set for walls, there are new clips that have neoprene pads integral to the design to prevent connecting drywall to channel sound. Also, a lot of attention to acoustic leakage points like wrapping the backs of outlets helps. An acoustic muffler will inhibit sound from coming through recessed lights that are not fully insulated cans.” Clearly, every little bit helps. n A J Sidransky is a staff writer/reporter for The New Jersey Cooperator, and a published