Page 12 - CooperatorNews New Jersey Expo 2021
P. 12

12 COOPERATORNEWS NEW JERSEY   —EXPO 2021  NJ.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  BUDGET & FINANCE  The Bidding Process  Finding the Best People at the Best Price  BY A. J. SIDRANSKY  One truism of home ownership is that  cess for large capital improvements as follows:  gardless of a board’s preferred method, at least   there is always something that needs to be  “Let’s say I need to replace a roof—so I call  two people should be charged with unsealing   fixed or upgraded. That’s true in condo and  in an engineer who specializes in roofs. They  the bids together to ensure transparency and   co-op communities as well, both large and  come out and inspect the property and then  accountability.   small. There’s always a roof to replace or a  create a request for proposal, or RFP.  From   boiler to upgrade, or a lobby to refurbish. The  there, the engineer will draw up project specs  sole factor in determining which vendor the   challenge is finding the right contractors to  and a bid package that will be sent to between  board selects, the process of bidding under   get these jobs done efficiently and effectively  three and five vendors, depending on the pref-  at a cost that the building or HOA can handle.  Types of Jobs  Work in and around multifamily buildings  RFP to three, you may not find one.”  usually falls into two categories: one-time, big-  ticket capital improvements like roof or boiler  attorney  Hubert Cutolo,  founding partner  forces.”  replacements or façade overhauls, and small-  er, recurring maintenance work like pest con-  trol and landscaping/snow removal. While  submissions—usually around 20 days—after  “At this point, we pare it down to three candi-  the  scale  and  frequency  of  the  work  falling  which no other bids will be considered.  under each category are different, the vendors   and contractors that do the work are identi-  fied and engaged through the same process of  and/or manager in a sealed format, and all  ing with the engineer and companies one at   research, bid solicitation, final selection, and  opened at the same time. (Opening bids as  a time to  ‘sharpen  the pencil’”—a common   awarding of contracts.   How Does the Bidding Process Work?  Michele Schlossberg is an account execu-  tive with Gumley Haft, a management com-  pany based in New York City. “The funny   thing about the bidding process is that it’s   pretty similar for both large capital improve-  ment jobs and annual vendor services,” she   says. “What’s different are the pre-bid activi-  ties.” Schlossberg describes the bidding pro-  erences of the board. Also, vendors and con-  tractors are very busy—so if you only send an  out soliciting multiple bids, the board and    To ensure fairness and impartiality, says  ably determine if a bid is in line with market   of Newark-based law firm Cutolo Barros,   LLC, an RFP should stipulate a deadline for  is\] not necessarily the best,” adds Schlossberg.   Once all the responses are collected, says  companies and/or referrals from other people   Cutolo, they’re delivered back to the board  who have used them. Then comes a meet-  they come in could give an early bidder an  euphemism for adjusting their proposals to a   advantage—or allow other bidders to adjust  more favorable price or offering. “We get their   their proposals to undercut the known bid.)  Some boards elect to unseal bids at a regu-  larly scheduled board meeting. Others limit it  price for unexpected problems. They come   to the manager and the board president (and  back with final revised bids, and then the   the engineer or other professional if involved),  board picks a vendor.” The pros add that this   who coordinate the unsealing together ac-  cording to their schedules, and then share the  to leverage future projects, or suggest bulk   results with the rest of the board online. Re-  And, says Cutolo, “While price is not the   seal ensures that the vendors submitting bids   will offer the most competitive prices. With-  its management may not be able to reason-  “We also tell boards that the lowest \[price   dates based on previous experience with the   best price and best schedule, check for contin-  gencies, and whether there’s a cushion in the   ‘pencil-sharpening’ stage is also a good time   purchasing or other efficiencies. For example,   managers handling multiple properties may   be able to negotiate favorable prices when   buying large quantities of necessities like snow   melt that can be shared among those client   properties.    Even if a board-management team comes   into the bidding process well prepared, with i’s   dotted and t’s crossed, there can still be chal-  lenges. “The biggest problem today is finding   the bidders to do the job,” says Scott Wolf,   CEO of Boston-based management firm   BRIGS. “We had a situation recently where we   went for five bids. Of the five, three vendors   backed out, one was just not a great contrac-  tor, and the other was outrageously priced.   Contractors have so much work these days,   they can be that way. We now say we need to   know in the bid that the contractor can start   within ten days of contract signing.”   Smaller Jobs & Long-Term Services  How does the bidding process change for   smaller jobs—or for potentially long-term   service contracts like pest control or landscap-  ing maintenance?  “Right now,” says Wolf, “smaller jobs are   harder to fill, because everything is bottle-  necked. We don’t bid out jobs less than   $10,000. We just find someone to do it. For   smaller buildings we have a $5,000 threshold.   Otherwise, it’s the same process.”      When seeking long-term vendors, Schloss-  berg says, “We speak to other managers and   supers, for instance, to find a great extermi-  nator. We will go to three vendors to make   sure they’re proposing a good deal, then bring   the bids straight to the board and review the   terms with them. The board will pick based   on price and services offered.” Schlossberg   says that the bidding process for this type of   contract  doesn’t  require  an  engineer,  and is   a less intense process overall, “but it does re-  quire a lot of research on our part.”  In regions where snow and ice factor into   building and grounds maintenance, Wolf ex-  plains that landscaping and snow removal are   often bid together. In New England, where his   firm is based, “It’s one contract per season. A   lot of associations do one for both. If you get   damage from snow removal, the same guy   fixes it. Bids for these types of services are   less technical; there’s no RFP drawn up by an   engineer. Instead, a request for bids is drawn   up by the property manager and goes out to   between three and five vendors. The board   choses one, and you go forward.”  How Are Potential Bidders Identified?  So how do managers and boards find all   continued on page 28 

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