Page 7 - CooperatorNews New Jersey Spring 2021
P. 7

NJ.COOPERATORNEWS.COM  COOPERATORNEWS NEW JERSEY  —  SPRING 2021    7  QUESTIONS & ANSWERS  Legal  Q  A&  Know Your Bylaws!  Q  I live in and own a condo in a   four-unit condo building. One   unit is occupied by the presi-  dent and treasurer of the board of direc-  tors. I am away for a few months, and gave   permission to a dear friend to use my   condo for a few days. The president and   treasurer flipped out and told my friend   that she may not enter my condo, or they   will call the police. I was FaceTiming my   friend during this encounter and telling   her to go in and not be bullied. The presi-  dent told me the bylaws say that I need to   ask for written permission from the board   to allow a friend to stay in my condo. Is   this ridiculous? Is this a power trip? We   have  no  association,  just  us  four  units.   What should I do?                                       —Needing Answers  A  “The answer to your ques-  tion will be in your condo-  minium association’s gov-  erning documents,” says attorney Anne P.  as the ‘governing documents.’) It is the  sonable and in furtherance of lawful pur-  Ward, of counsel in the Newark office of  bylaws which govern, in detail, the daily  poses of the Act and the condominium’s   law firm Ehrlich, Petriello, Gudin & Pla-  za. “To begin, you should be aware that all  condominium. (The Act, N.J.S.A. 46:8B-  condominiums are governed by the New  13.) Moreover, the bylaws empower the  tion has a fiduciary duty to ‘exercise its   Jersey Condominium Act, 46:8B-1 et seq  association,  acting  through  its  board  of  powers and discharge  its  functions in a   (‘the Act’). An ‘association’ is defined in  directors (‘the board’), to adopt rules and  manner that protects and furthers…the   the Act as ‘the entity responsible for the  regulations governing use of the condo-  administration of a condominium, …’. A  minium property including, to an extent,  residents  of  the  community.’  (The  Act,   condominium is created by the record-  ing of a Master Deed. The Master Deed   creates an association for each condo-  minium and vests that association with  unit  automatically  become members  of  members. (The Act, N.J.S.A. 46:8B-146   responsibility for the management of the  the association; they are, therefore, auto-  condominium property. By definition,  matically subject to the association’s rules   the condominium property includes the  and regulations.  common elements, limited common ele-  ments, and condominium units. (The Act,  association irrespective of its size. While  the rental of units. Almost all associations   N.J.S.A. 46:8B-3(i); N.J.S.A. 46:8B-12.)  your condominium may only have four  curtail the duration of rentals in order to   While a condominium unit is owned in  units, it must have an association. It also  prevent transient and hotel type arrange-  fee title, an association may still impose  must have bylaws which govern the use  ments. In addition, the condominium   reasonable restrictions on its use. (The  and operation of the common elements,  property is also subject to local zoning   Act, N.J.S.A. 46:8B-15.)  “The bylaws of an association are part  minium units. To state the obvious, this  persons permitted in a unit.   of the Master Deed. (The Master Deed  would include your unit. Restrictions on   and the bylaws are generally referred to  the use of units are lawful if they are rea-  administration and  management of  the  governing documents.   private units.   “I have never seen bylaws that do not  to preserve and protect the common ele-  provide that all owners of a condominium  ments and areas for the benefit of all its   “Moreover, the foregoing applies to an  on the premises. Some simply prohibit   limited common  elements, and  condo-    “Please keep in mind that an associa-  health, safety, and general welfare of the   N.J.S.A. 46:8B-14(j).) It also has a duty   and (c).)  “As a result, many boards adopt rules   regulating  the  presence  of  third  parties   laws which probably limit the number of   “Such limitations are adopted for two   continued on page 21 

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